
Saturday 31 March 2018




Emilia:Ebuka what is all these?
Ebuka:Nothing much.
Emilia:Don’t tell me `nothing much’ you have an explanation to make.
Ebuka:Okay fine,Erica was my former fiancee,she was unfaithful to me,just 3 months to our wedding,i caught her red-handedly with another man.So she’s past tense now.
Emilia:How i’m i sure,that you’re saying the truth….(Before she or Ebuka could say anything,the Housemaid;Ekaete who had been eavesdropping all this while,interrupted her).
Ekaete:Madam,you don’t need to be sure,i see am with my koro-koro eye when Madam Erica dey with one bobo.
Emilia:(Laughing at her accent and manner of English)What’s your name?
Ekaete:My name na Ekaete,My papa name na Edidiong,My Mama name na Emediong,My sister name na Enobong,My brother name na Essien,My grandmama name na….
Ebuka:(Ebuka&Emilia laughing hysterically,itwas Ekaete that lightened the air) It’s okay Ekaete,go and do your work.
Emilia:Ebuka I’ve stayed For long,i got to go now ,oya boo come and take me home
Ekaete:Bye Bye Oga and madam oh(She chorused from the kitchen).
(Ebuka and Emilia went out from the house) Chai! Rove is Brind oh(Ekaete chorused smiling,misplacing the L for R in both words).
Ebuka came back from dropping Emilia and switched on the T.V he needed cool music to step down his head.Ekaete came to the living room and started talking to him.
Ekaete:Oga welcome no vex oh,that Madam Erica too bad oh,Me i no like am at-all,at-all.Na Madam Emilia be better person. That Madam Erica na bad belle,she like to dey pour sand for person garri.
Ebuka:Ekaete,the issue is gone,so go and tell El-Malik to bring the cartons inside.
Ekaete:Emarik don do am since.
Ebuka: Wow! That’s good of him,tell him to watch dad’s car,Dad called me on phone to tell him to do it.
Ekaete:Okay! Emarik! Emarik!(She shouted El-Malik’s name although she hadn’t even gone downstairs.
Emmanuella had come back from Malaysia because they were given a three month holiday,so she was at home gisting with her sister who just came back from her visit to Ebuka’s house.
Emmanuella:Big sis,this one you’re smiling,That means you really love that guy.
Emilia:Yes oh and i’m sure he loves me too.
Emmanuella:Lolz i think so too,i could see it in his eyes.
Emilia:(Teasingher jokingly)So that’s what you guys are learning in Malaysia,you are learning how to see through people’s eye.
Emmanuella:I owe you big time sis,i really missed you and your jokes.And the stuffs i brought for you were quite small because i’m broke.
Emilia:Don’t bother i really appreciate.
Emmanuella:Anyway you and your Teman Lelaki look nice.
Emilia:Lolz so you’re now using Malay words for me.
Emmanuella:I’m famish,i want to eat.
Emilia:Is there no soup again?
Emmanuella:I have eaten that before, i want to eat Mee goreng.
Emilia:Lolz,so na because you don go Malaysia you dey do me like this?
Emmanuella:Nah!Big sis,Mee goreng is a Malay dish,come let’s go and prepare it,I’ll teach you,but is there noodles?
Emilia:Yeah,it’s in the kitchen, are you using noodles?
The relationship between Ebuka and Emilia was blossoming as the days rolled by.Ebuka proposed to Emilia on an occasion and she agreed,finally they set a date aside for the Introduction which was the 18th of May.It was finally May 17th and that day was one of the busiest day in the house of Mr.Ekun,they cooked varieties of food they though it was only introduction.They decorated the house very well and Emilia bought a new Buba and wrapper with gele(Headgear).The aroma from different dishes filled the air.Emmanuella was still around which made the preparation easier.
On the other hand in Mr.Eze’s house,Ebuka and his father took time in buying new native brocades with fine embroidery for the introduction.The next day which was the 18th of May,The Ekun family were waiting in their house listening to Fuji and gospel music.Some neighbours and friends were also seated,they were waiting for the Eze family to arrive.
In 45 minutes time,the Eze family arrived,Mr.Eze entered the livingroom,next was Ebuka who entered smiling,some friends and neighbours of the Eze family entered,the people present in the gathering were waiting for Barr.Ebere Eze;Ebuka’s mother,who was battling with her high-heeled shoe,she entered looking sophisticated but as she looked in the direction of Mr.Ekun



Barr.Ebere:(In anger) What! Ebo Ekun,international relations student in UNN,you that always got into my nerves,i remembered the last time, you ruined my life by reporting me to a lecturer when i copied his test question;you were there when the lecturer gave me carry-over in that course.(The guests were just looking at her and Mr.Ekun surprised and Bewildered)
Mr.Ekun:No!No!No! This can’t be!Ebere! You were too arrogant and loved playing fast ones while in school,you’re too harsh.This marriage can’t hold,i love my daughter,i don’t want her to suffer in your hand please.
Barr.Ebere:And who told you i would allow my son marry your daughter,tell me, you nitwit,i can’t allow my son marry your daughter oh,you that don’t like minding your business, always interfering in my affairs,how are you sure your daughter won’t be a poke-noser like you?
Barr.Ebere:Introduction Terminated,court rise! (She said and was about dashing out of the house but turned back) Honey meet me in the car(After saying that ,she left the living room,Emilia Immediately bursted into tears crying like a baby,her younger sister,Emmanuella was consoling her,in Ebuka’s case he placed his head on his knee in a sorrowful way)
Mrs.Ekun:Sorry ladies and gentlemen for the inconveniences,I’m sure we would sort things out and they would marry.
Mr.Ekun:Hey! Watch your tongue,That would be over my dead body.
Mr.Eze:They would get married,don’t say that.I would talk sense into my wife.
Mr.Ekun:Your wife was a person with bad character during our university days,i don’t think she would ever change.
Mr.Eze:She has changed oh(He smiled and Mr.Ekun shook hands with him)Please we would be taking our leave,Ebuka let’s go(Ebuka refused to stand up,rather he went to sit beside Emilia).
Emilia:(In tears) Ebuka listen to your dad,please you can go,just know that i wish we can ever be together.
Ebuka:We would,Emilia we would(He was trying to fight off the tears that were welling up in his eyes so that he wouldn’t disgrace himself).
Mrs.Ekun: oh God! (Ebuka later left with his father and Emilia retired to her room accompanied by Emmanuella).
Mr.Ekun:Hmm! If a prophet told me that Ebuka was Ebere’s son, i would have bet my life against it.
Mr.Ekun:My husband! Please nau,let’s allow them get married.
Mr.Ekun:(He was just mute initially but he looked at his wife,shook his head and said) I love my daughter,i know what i’m doing.
Emmanuella: Emilia stop crying,you’ve been crying since yesterday and you’ve engaged in hunger strike.
Emilia:(Crying)Yes Ella,you won’t understand,eventhough i kill myself, it’s worth it.
Emmanuella: You’re the only sibling i’ve got,so i am not happy seeing you in this condition,go and eat.Then after eating we would go and talk with dad.
Emilia:(Cleans her tears) Okay! (she goes to the kitchen,picks her spoon and eats thr rice with a low appetite).
Emmanuella:(After Emilia finished her food they went to meet their father who was in his room reading a newspaper). Good afternoon dad.
Mr.Ekun: (Raises his eye from the newspaper) Good afternoon,so what do i owe this visit,Emilia and Emmanuella.
Emilia: Ermm! Ermm! ( A bit confused on what to say)
Emmanuella: Dad! We came to ask and plead that you should allow Ebuka marry Emilia,i’ve accessed him myself and i don’t think he would have those characters you mentioned in his mother.
Emilia: Yes dad,Ebuka is nice.
Mr.Ekun: Listen to me ,Emilia and Emmanuella.Emmanuella you’re studying medicine,isn’t it?
Emmanuella: Yeah Dad,I’m studying medicine.
Mr.Ekun:Fine,sohaven’t you heard of genes,eventhough you say his mother’s gene is not dominant in him,atleast he would still have some traits of it.
Emilia: Dad please nau!
Mr.Ekun: Ebere is a very arrogant,harsh and hot-tempered woman,when we were in UNN,i always told her to turn from her vices,but she didn’t heed,one day i caught her copying a lecturer’s question so i reported her to the lecturer and she vowed to deal with me after the lecturer gave her carry-over in that course.
Emmanuella: Dad but…
Mr.Ekun: shhh!(He shushed her) Dad knows what is best for his two angels,so can you please excuse me. I want to sleep,this newspaper is boring.
Ebuka was in a pensive mood sitting on his bed,he
stood up for a while,walked around the room,then sat
on his bed again and slapped himself. He stood up
again,came out from his room and walked briskly to
his mum’s room,he met her reading a law book.
Ebuka: Mum what is all these? (He shouted in a high
Barr.Ebere: Ebuka,my son! Why are you ranting and
Ebuka: Spare me that crap Mum! Don’t ever call me
your son again till you allow me marry Emilia,Dad gave me his consent but the only thing you could think
of was to tarnish it.
Barr.Ebere: It’s not what you think son. If Emilia wasn’t
Ebo’s son,who am i to dissolve the marriage?
Ebuka: So that’s why you want to kill your own
son,that’s why you want to ruin my life? Barr.Ebere: Ruin your what? That Ebo of a person
made me suffer in the university,he loves prying into
my affairs,so….
Ebuka: (Interrupts) And so what? I just want to tell you
my life is incomplete without Emilia.
Barr.Ebere: Why don’t you marry Erica,atleast i
prefer her.
Ebuka: (Looks at her in disgust) You know what,you are just like Erica,she’s your incarnate(He walks out
on her)
Barr.Ebere: Ebuka,so you’re now insulting me and
walking out on me because of that silly-a-s called
How i’m i sure she has not given him love potion? (she shook her head and continued reading).
Good morning to you all


That full week was the worst week Ebuka and Emilia
had encountered since they started dating. Emilia was
gradually getting lean,Ebuka on the otherhand was
not in anyway better. Ebuka just tried to read stories
from Abigail Hanny's diary
good to erase his tension. One day which made it 2weeks since Ebuka and Emilia hadn’t come in
contact since the introduction,Ebuka called Emilia on
phone to come to his house,she however told him that
his mother might send her away if she’s around,Ebuka
futher beckoned on her to come that his mother was
in court handling a case,so she would be busy. Emilia went to Ebuka’s house and there was no doubt she
was happy to see him,Ebuka on the other hand was
as happy as someone who had just won an
election,he quickly ran and Embraced her.They talked
on different issues till Ebuka’s dad came and Ebuka’s
dad was a nice man who was a talk-active. As they were enjoying themselves,Ebuka’s Mum returned
from the court.She entered the living room and was very bitter when
she saw the eye-sore,it was an eyesore in her own
Barr.Ebere: What the hell is this b---h doing here? (Emilia’s impulse ordered her to stand up)
Ebuka: (Angry) Mum watch your tongue! I won’t
watch anyone insult my wife.
Barr.Ebere: Oh i see,the love potion is really working.
Emilia: I’m sorry ma (Emilia apologized,then she ran
out of the house) Mr.Eze: Ebere what is exactly your problem,allow him
marry who he wants,this is no longer the 19th and
20th century for God sake.
Barr.Ebere: Fool! (Ebere just looked at Mr.Eze with
disdain,spat and dashed to her bedroom).
Emilia was very moody when she got home. She just
went to her bed and slept. She woke up the next
morning,she quickly woke up and went to work.
Ebuka was also disappointed at his mother’s
character,he was so angry that some of his instincts were telling him to run away from the house,however
he was able to subdue those evil instincts. Emilia was
just half-minded as she was doing some chores when
she came back from work,as she was watching the
dishes one of them mistakenly fell and broke to
pieces,that was the third glassware she had broken that day,she just simply continued trying to remove
Ebuka’s mother from her mind but the more she
tried,the more she appeared in her mind but another
thought struck her mind that even if Ebuka’s mum
gives her consent, the marriage was not still solved
because her father was also hell-bent in allowing her marry Ebuka. She was so confused,unknown to
her,her parents;Mr and Mrs Ekun had been watching
her as they stood in the kitchen’s door post and the
half-minded Emilia had failed to notice them,that
means she wasn’t okay, Mr. Ekun then called Emilia in
a high tone and the insensitive Emilia regained her consciousness and turned to the direction of her

Mr.Ekun: Talk to me, my daughter what’s the problem?
Emilia: Dad you won’t understand(she immediately bursted into tears).
Mrs. Ekun: Emilia, we’re your parents talk to us nau! (Emilia’s mother said in a low tone).
Mr.Ekun: Yes talk to us(This time,Emmanuella had woken up from her nap).
Emilia: Dad please don’t get angry with me oh.
Mr.Ekun: I won’t get angry.
Emilia: Dad i want to marry Ebuka,he’s my life, i can’t do without him (she added while sobbing,Emmanuella came closer to her,to comfort her).
Mr.Ekun: Hmm! (Instead of adding another word,he hugged Emilia, everyone were just looking at him).
Mrs.Ekun: Honey what do you say to that?
Mr.Ekun: Though, i have thoughts that Ebere would be wicked to Emilia, i can’t watch my daughter die slowly,so i have given my consent but not with the full part of my heart.
Emilia: Oh daddy! Thank you (she was very happy,it was like a huge burden had been lifted from her head).
Emmanuella: Thank you dad!
Mrs.Ekun: Thank you my husband.
Mr.Ekun: You don’t need to thank me,it’s her choice (He just smiled,then the smile developed to a grin,but nevertheless,everyone were happY.



Emilia called Ebuka in the night and told him about the new development,he was happy because one enemy had surrendered,it was left for his mum to do so. So he promised Emilia that he would try to persuade his mum to allow him marry her. The next morning, Ebuka woke up and decided to talk gently to his mother without violence to allow him marry Emilia ,he went to her room and met her ironing her robe.
Ebuka: Mummy,the mummy! Goodmorning! (He said smiling).
Barr.Ebere: Hmm! (surprised at his light-heartedness). Good morning, my son,how was your night?
Ebuka: (still smiling) Ha! It was very cool oh,that’s why i decided to come and check if yours was also cool.
Barr.Ebere: Yes mine was cool.
Ebuka: Okay mummy,erm! erm! (clears his throat) i want to have a discussion with you.
Barr.Ebere: Okay sit, i’m all ears.
Ebuka: You know, our people say the caterpillar cannot start courting with another caterpillar till the mother butterfly blesses it and it turns to a butterfly and starts courting.
Barr.Ebere: Lolz(laughing wildly) Where did you learn that proverb from? I don’t know about it.
Ebuka: From my friends, okay mum but i’m the caterpillar,you’re my mother, i believe i’m a matured caterpillar now,so bless me so that i would turn to a butterfly and marry my wife.
Barr.Ebere: (Raises her eyebrow) And who is your intended bride?
Ebuka: It’s the pretty,elegant,intelligent,resourceful and good-mannered Emilia, i don’t need to tell you nau! You already know.
Barr.Ebere: Ebuka,you know what,i don’t want to go into this matter again,get out from my room,i will never allow you marry that brat.
Ebuka: Mum! Mum! Why are you so obstinate in listening to me,if you continue this way,i have no choice than to commit suicide,life worths nothing to me living without Emilia.
Barr.Ebere: You won’t understand Ebuka (Ebuka left her room very angry).
Ebuka was not himself,he came out from his room with a strong long rope,no one saw him when he left his room and headed downstairs,he went to the big pear tree at the back-yard and started tying the rope to a branch of the tree,he also tied the other part to form a noose,as he put the noose in his neck and was about drawing it, El-malik the gateman, who came with a shovel to weed the back-yard sighted Ebuka attempting to commit suicide and shouted.
El-malik: Oga abeg nau! No kill yourself abeg (He removed the rope from Ebuka’s neck and Ebuka was struggling to drag the rope from El-malik).
Ebuka: What does this life worth Without Emilia,hun! Is it not better to end my life.
El-malik: Oga no,no do am.Madam,Oga! (El-malik shouted at a very high pitch still dragging the rope with Ebuka).
Ebuka: El-malik,leave this rope before i kill you along with me. (The back-yard was vertically linear to Barr.Ebere’s room,so she heard El-malik’s voice and ran downstairs with bare-foot,Mr.Eze was not left out, as he steeple-chased through the staircase like someone running in the olympics,they entered the back-yard and started asking questions).
Mr.Eze: El-malik what is the problem and why are you dragging a rope with Ebuka?
El-Malik: Oga goodmorning,as i dey come clear grass,i see Oga Ebuka dey tie rope por tree and por he neck wan kill himselp,i come dey beg am, dey drag rope with am(Mistaking the ‘f’ for ‘p’).
Barr.Eze: Ebuka why do you want to kill yourself (she started crying) Ebuka why?
Ebuka: You’ve deprived me from the best thing i desire,so why should i stay alife?
Mr.Eze: Ebuka stop this,what’s the problem?
Ebuka: Since mum doesn’t want me to marry Emilia, let me die nau.
Barr.Eze: Okay! (Afraid) You can marry her,please i don’t want to lose you,Ebuka go inside please.
Ebuka: Like seriously,thankyou mum (he threw the rope on the floor and ran to embrace his mother who was still afraid).
Mr.Eze: (Smiling) Hmm! Am i left out in the hug (he came and joined the both of them in the warm embrace,El-malik wasn’t left out as he joined in the big embrace giggling)?
Barr.Eze: El-malik please burn that rope, i don’t want anything to happen to my son,i have just two children and i can’t afford to lose anyone.(They went inside the living room and Ebuka was very happy to be given consent to marry Emilia,he felt like a christian that had made it to heaven,he was screaming in a funny way which made his parents giggle,he changed the channel to MTV base and started dancing,his parents also danced with him,that day was a very happy day for Ebuka,he called Emilia later in the evening and narrated the good news to her,she was very happy but she told him that he wasn’t suppose to attempt suicide,she became emotional when he told her about the suicide part but however her hope of marrying Ebuka killed her worries)


The preparations kept rolling on,though Barr.Ebere didn’t want to consent to the marriage,but she reluctantly agreed to prevent her son from killing himself, Emilia decided to visit Ebuka’s house to see how they were also preparing,her sister Emmanuella had already returned to Malaysia because her 3 months’ holiday were complete. Emilia did not find Ebuka and his mother at home,it was only Ebuka’s father she met at the living room and the man was shaving his beard.
Emilia: Good morning sir.
Mr.Eze: Good morning,our wife,how are you?
Emilia: (Blushing) I’m fine sir! I came to see Ebuka.
Mr.Eze: Huh! Ebuka left with his mum,he’s brother just came back from ESUT,he’s in his final year studying Mechanical Engineering.
Emilia: That’s great.
Mr.Eze: Yeah,have your seat,do you want to wait for the?
Emilia: Yes sir!
Mr.Eze: So how old are you?
Emilia: 25 years old sir.
Mr.Eze: Hmm! You’re the same age with Eric; Ebuka’s brother. Which university did you attend?
Emilia: Obafemi Awolowo University.
Mr.Eze: Okay,You studied what course?
Emilia: Mass communication.
Mr.Eze: Wow! Okay,I’m going out,so you would stay with Eric and he would keep you company.
Emilia: Okay sir! (Mr.Eze just finished shaving,so Emilia helped him to carry the After-shave spray and clipper to the table they normally keep them,Mr.Eze dressed up and left,immediately Mr.Eze left,a tall and slim guy came out from a room opposite the living room,he resembled Ebuka but he had a thick short beard and he was lighter in complexion, making him more handsome,he went closer to examine the pretty damsel sitting on the sofa).
Eric: Hey babe! (He smiled sheepishly) My name is Eric but my friends call me Eric 100%.
Emilia:(Looking at him thoroughly) Hmm. I’m Emilia,your brother’s fiancee.
Eric: Ok….Okay(He stammered resuming his sheepish smile again) Nice to meet you (He stretched his hands and when he discovered ;Emilia just simply waved her hands and did not stretch her hands,he grabbed her hands and continued holding it,like he would never leave it).
Emilia: (She became angry and forced her hands out of his grip) What were you trying to do? I’m your brother’s fiancee for God’s sake.
Eric: Hmm! Sorry,it’s just that i can’t always watch my brother get the best things,imagine you are very beautiful and spotless,you are for my brother alone. Nna men! Brother Ebuka don achieve oh.(Emilia simply laughed). You are laughing,it’s the truth. (He wanted to grab Emilia but as he was about doing it,the door pushed open).
It all happened before a twinkle of an eye, Eric did it in less than a second or should i say in few micro-seconds,he jumped to the other sofa opposite the one Emilia was sitting on and he sat down there as if he was only discussing with Emilia, Emilia was disappointed with Eric’s spoilt behaviour but praised God in her mind because Ebuka and his mother didn’t see when Eric was dragging her. She knew it would have led to the termination of the marriage and all the blame would be shifted to her by Barr.Ebere because she wouldn’t blame her spoilt son.
Emilia: Good afternoon ma.
Barr.Ebere: Hmm! Why did you come? (Talking to her in a low tone).
Emilia: Ma! I came to see Ebuka and since he was not around,i decided to wait for him.
Barr.Ebere: (suddenly becoming angry) Must you always visit Ebuka ? His he your toy or what?
Ebuka: Mummy please stop it,Emilia please don’t be angry (He goes close to her).
Barr.Ebere: Ebuka why are you so unreasonable,i know i’ve consented to the marriage but must she always pry into our family affairs.
Emilia; Please i’m sorry ma (She attempts to go but Ebuka held her back)
Barr.Ebere: Sorry for your self,Ebuka leave that filthy thing let her go. How are you sure she didn’t try to seduce Eric.
Eric: (Eric who had been quiet all this while,then spoke) Mum! No she didn’t, she’s really nice,she even helped Dad.
Barr.Ebere(shouting) Hey! Chimooo! I’ve suffered you want to even take my husband,husband-snatcher.
Emilia: Ma please i’m sorry, i didn’t do anything of such (she broke out of Ebuka’s grip and continued waving her hands in apology to Barr.Ebere,Ebuka ran after her as she eventually dashed out of the house,Eric just watched Ebuka squeezing his face like someone who had seen faeces and bit his nail)


Emilia eyes welled up with tears, as she wanted to go,Ebuka met her and started consoling her,he told her since his mum had agreed with the marriage he would try to make his mum like her. But Emilia however doubted the possibility,shetold Ebuka she needed to rest at home,hugged him and went out of the gate,Ebuka was angry again,he was wondering why his mum could be that wicked towards Emilia . As Emilia was walking down the high street to get a cab,she met Ekaete the househelp,who started asking her questions.
Ekaete: Madam abeg why you dey cry?
Emilia: Oh i’m i crying (trying to hide the tears but the more she tried to do that,the more the tears poured out from her eyes till it led to loud sobs and passers-by started wondering why she was crying ).
Ekaete: I no be small pikin oh,i no say you dey cry,but wetin happen,for my prace (instead of place) person no dey pretend say he no dey cry; when he dey cry. Madam Emi…..Emi chai i don forget your name.
Emilia: Simply call me Emilia. It’s Ebuka’s mum (she bursted into tears again) she does not like me.
Ekaete: I talk am,iyonmi! (Iyonmi means a forbidden thing or a detested stuff in Ibibio language). I no know why that woman dey do rike that,na even because Oga Ebuka wan kill himself. She agree make una mally(Using L instead of R).
Emilia: That’s the fact,that’s exactly what i was telling Ebuka.
Ekaete: Madam wetin fat,i no fat nah,see me i dey repa (Pronouncing the Local word ‘lepa’ as repa).
Emilia: (Ekaete’s comical nature lightened the air for Emilia as she bursted into uncontrollable laughter). Hahaha!!! Ekaete you never cease to amaze me,don’t worry go home,i would take care of myself and subdue it,i love Ebuka.
Ekaete: Chai Madam you say i never see to maize you,maize na corn,wetin bring maize for this matter,sorry ya, no cry God go do am.
Emilia: Hahaha!!! Oh God, i like this Ekaete of a girl. (She laughed and said as she finally waved Ekaete bye,she thought to her self that she would try to do something reasonable in Ekaete’s life,if she had her way.
Emilia went back home concealing her pains,she believed that eventhough she had been assured of marrying Ebuka,there were still doubts that Barr.Ebere would like her. She didn’t want her parents to know of the day’s outcome,so she tried her best to control her emotions;so that her dad won’t resume his old self.
Meanwhile, in Mr.Eze’s house,Ekaete returned from her errand and met her boss (Barrister Ebere) watching T.V.
Ekaete: Madam,good afternoon oh.
Barr.Ebere: Ekaete should i wait till the century is over before you come back?
Ekaete: Madam no vex oh,na because i dey do work since morning,e never tey wey i commot.
Barr.Ebere: Lazy thing,common go and start blending the tomatoes .
Ekaete: Okay madam,but madam no vex oh.
Barr.Ebere: (Looks at her like a hawk bent on devouring a prey) Meaning?
Ekaete: Madam! Why you no rike madam Emilia,she be better person. Why you dey do person pikin rike that nah! Me i rike am oh. She be……… (using L as R)
Barr.Ebere: (Interrupts fiercely) Ekaete how dare you? You brat, get out from my house,i mean pack your load and disperse.
Ekaete :(crying) Madam make i go? Please nah! Abeg.
Barr.Ebere: Get your filthy self out of my house.
Ekaete: Madam please oh,wetin dey do me self? Madam abeg (she starts holding Barr.Ebere’s gown like the woman with the blood issue held Jesus’ garment) Madam please,if you pursue me,i go die. My people dey suffer for village.
Barr.Ebere: Would you talk to me like that again?
Ekaete: Iyonmi,i no go try am again.
Barr.Ebere: Idiot! Go and do your work,fool!
Ekaete: Chai! Madam thank you oh.

Emilia just woke up from sleep,she checked her time it was 7:25 am,which meant she had duty in the broadcasting house that day,she quickly dashed to the bathroom,she knew her parents must had gone to the morning dew prayer which is done every new month and that day’s prayer would be strong and long because it was June 1st,the beginning of another half of the year. As she was dressing up,her phone rang,she picked the call,it was Ebuka.
Ebuka: Hello bae,how was your night?
Emilia: Boo it was fine oh,urs?
Ebuka: It was okay,don’t tell me you just woke up,because from your voice you’re still stretching.
Emilia: Lolz Prophet! I just woke up,you need to open a Vision home for prophecy.
Ebuka: Laughing my A-s Out. I called to inform you that our marriage had been fixed for 2 weeks time,which is the 17th of June.
Emilia: Waoh! Ebuka i’m so happy.
Ebuka: Me too,i’m more than happy,i discussed it with my father since what was delaying us was already completed;my house. I also discussed it with my mum,she nodded her head saying nothing,but she consented that’s the joy in it. What about your parents?
Emilia: They went for morning prayers but when they come i would inform them,i’m on my way to work.
Ebuka: (Teasing her jokingly) Baby girl,look well before you cross the road oh.
Emilia: Lol, i’m not like you,Baby boy.

                                    READ THE FINAL EPISODE HERE

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