
Saturday 31 March 2018




It was a day before the marriage,preparations were going on and on. Ebuka had already gotten a sea-green colour William Fioravanti Bespoke suit with Bow-tie. Emilia was not left out,she settled for a beautiful silk and leather combination Delpozo wedding gown,sparkling white. Their parents also prepared themselves for the wedding because both in each parent’s case it was their first child that were getting married. Barr.Ebere who was a fashion freak though wasn’t happy about the union decided to look good in her son’s marriage,after all looking good was her hobby,her husband bought a fitted Brown Igbo native cloth with a red cap.According to the marriage plan,both the white and the traditional marriage were to hold the same day and the white would be before the traditional,andit’s after the traditional marriage,the reception would hold. The next day was the D-day which was going to be filled with a lot of activities,so many preparations were to be made. Though the wedding invitation card were just printed and distributed last two weeks,the people that promised to come from Ebuka’s office,Emilia’sfellow workers in Wazobia fm,people from Barr.Ebere’s N.B.A (National Bar Association), Mr.Eze’s Igbo meeting members,church members,Mr and Mrs Ekun friends,family members,neighbours and others too numerous to mention.The people who promised to attend were in large numbers.It was a pity Emmanuella won’t be able to come for the marriage because at that time ,they were having exams in the university

Even as early as 3:30 am,the next morning,the food preparation was ongoing,other things like car designs were also taking place. The preparations were long but they were able to finish them on time. By 9:00 am,Emilia and Ebuka in their wedding clothes were inside a decorated Limousine 2013 model,the owner Ebuka’s b---m friend and also the best man was the one driving. The cars of their parents,family members and other people were behind them. They entered the church; Living faith Church and the wedding procession started,Ebuka and Emilia side-by-side were at the front marching,behindthem were the Chief Bride’s maid and Best Man.
The Pastor blessed and joined them after 30 minutes,the congregation prayed for them and after another one hour they were out of the church. They headed to the court and signed the marriage registry,their parents also signed. Everybody was happy,they celebrated like never before,even the cruel Barr.Ebere was not left out in the celebration.They danced happily when they got home after signing the registry. It was time for the traditional marriage but they decided to wait for about 1 hourcommence before the traditional marriage would . Some boys were arranging the canopy in different sections of Mr.Ekun’s large compound,the reception was also to hold there because they was enough space

How time flies! The traditional
wedding commenced and the
groom’s family began with the
‘we’ve found a beautiful flower in
your compound and we’ve come to pluck it’ stuffs,after thar the Bride
price was paid,other fees were also
paid like money for
wrappers,settlement of bride’s
mum etcetra. After that,Ebuka and
Emilia came out from the house in traditional attire,the groom’s
family further went to bring
foodstuffs like Tubers of yam,kegs
of palm oil,bags of rice etcetra.
Later the dancing begun,it was
Ebuka and Emilia at first,later their parents joined,after their
parents,other friends,family
members and well wishers danced
with them. Emilia’s best friend; Miss
Ekeinde who was also the chief
bridesmaid was very happy for her friend. The food started
arriving,people already famish
from dancing rushed to take
theirs,some looters took many
plates of rice and poured in poly-
thene bags,this funny behaviour is common in most Nigerian
Occasions. The celebration
continued till Mr and Mrs Ebuka
drove off to Ebuka’s house
accompanied by their family
members and friends.


The next day,they went for marriage thanksgiving which was very brief. They decided to go and celebrate their honeymoon,Ebukasuggested Seychelles island or France but Emilia disapproved the idea,she said they shouldn’t waste money and that they should celebrate it in any beach there in Lagos,she further said their trip to Seychelles island or France should be saved till when they welcome their first child. Ebuka welcomed her idea and they decided to go to ‘JOWELL STAR BEACH’ which is in Victoria island,they wore the same attire and drove there,they were very happy because it was a dream-come-true,they booked a space there,because the beach was very large,so only Them were in that space. They gisted bought drinks and ate barbecue,they started playing they went to the river and started splashing water on themself,they changed their clothes to swimming suits and trunk and Ebuka who was good at swimming started teaching Emilia who was a novice how to swim. After several swimming practice they decided to rest a little before playing again. Ebuka lifted Emilia up, while she giggled and took her to a long bench,they sat down there resting,they started arguing on the name they would give their first child,suddenly someone-in-maskapproached them ,brought out a pistol pulled the trigger aiming towards Ebuka,Ebuka fell down DEAD. The man quickly vanished scene,Emilia trying to figure out what was going on,screamed and collapsed.
Another person in mask approached the couple lying side by side on the ground ,shook his head and left.




A lot of doctors and nurses were
gathered in JUTH,some were in
the theatre trying to operate on
Ebuka,suddenly they removed
two bullets from his abdomen and kept them in a tray.
Dr.Evbagharu: This is a very
critical case,i’m afraid he is dead.
Dr.Emma: And the man’s parents
and family members are not
here yet. Ebuka: (Trying to get up) Aargh!
(Struggling in pain,trying to
speak) Plea-se,tell Emi-Emilia,I-i
love (He starts coughing and
struggles to breathe,he finally
falls back on the bed,the doctors who were struggling to bring
back his life were scared,the
nurse checked his pulse and
broke the sad news)
Nurse: He doesn’t have pulse.
Dr.Evbagharu: Oh God ! (Checking his heart-beat with a
stechtoscope). He is dead.
Mr.Eze and Barr.Ebere rushed
into the hospital and quickly
dashed into the theatre room,Ebuka was taken to.The
nurse who directed them led
them into the theatre.
Barr.Ebere: Please doctor,can
you tell me what is going on?
(Panicking) Mr.Eze: What’s wrong with my
son,why is he motionless?
Dr.Emma: Sir,your son was
brought into this hospital after
being shot,we were able to
remove the bullets from him,but we….we(stammers).
Barr.Ebere: You did what?
(Interrupts with fear).
Dr.Evbagharu: I’m sorry,we tried
our best but we lost him.
Mr.Eze: Lost? (He shook his head put his hand on his head and was
sobbing though he was a man).
Barr.Ebere: Ewooo!! Chimoo!!
(shouting wildly,jumping up and
down,while her eyes produced
tears like a running tap). Dr.Emma: Please Madam,there
are other patients here,this is a
theatre, please excuse us. It’s so
unfortunate,we tried our best.
Barr.Ebere: Leave me oh,i would
shout (crying more,Mr.Eze then led his wife out of the theatre
Dr.Evbagharu: God,is this life?
Imagine someone being
murdered in his honeymoon.
Dr.Emma: Very surprising,truetalk Evbagharu.
A nurse was sitting very close to
Emilia,who was still
unconscious.Emilia’s heart which
wasn’t beating normally initially then started beating well. The
nurse didn’t notice it but Emilia
woke up and started crying.
Nurse Ebi: She’s awake oh,she’s
awake.(She rushed out and later
came with Dr.Evbagharu). Emilia: (with tears) Where is my
husband,where is Ebuka? Ebuka
where are you?
Nurse Ebi: Doctor should i inject
her with trichloromethane to
make her sleep. Dr.Evbagharu: No that’s not
necessary,just give her Lucozade
Boost to give her strength.
Emilia: Don’t give me anything,is
Ebuka dead? Please Ebuka i want
to follow you,i can remember he was shot. Where is this d--n
Dr.Evbagharu: You’re in
Jonathan University Teaching
Hospital (JUTH),Lekki.
Emilia: God! Answer me, where is ebuka?
Dr.Evbagharu: You really need to
Emilia: You’re mad,where is
(As Emilia was ranting and crying some police officers stormed the
They entered the ward where
Emilia was and Dr.Evbagharu
was surprised to see them.
Sergeant Ezekiel: I’m sergeant
Ezekiel (Flashing his I.D card) From the state police
Sergeant Elechi : I’m Sergeant
Elechi (Flashing his I.D card) also
from the state police
branch,Lekki. I guess this lady on the bed is Emilia?
Emilia: I’m Emilia,what is going
on here?
Sergeant Ezekiel: You are under
arrest for the murder of your
husband,Mr.Ebuka Eze during your honeymoon.
Emilia: (crying loudly) I didn’t
murder my husband,so Ebuka is
really dead? (The Doctor and
nurse were just watching).
Sergeant Elechi : You have the right to remain silent because
any word you utter here would
be used against you in the court
of law. (They start hand-cuffing
Dr.Evbagharu: She’s just recovering nah,would you arrest
a convalescent?
Sergeant Ezekiel: Hey Doctor!
Don’t you dare question the law.
Sergeant Elechi: We also need the
bullets you removed from Ebuka for finger-print analysis.
Dr.Evbagharu: Okay officers but
take it easy with her,come and
collect the bullets (They followed
him to his office).
***************************** Mr and Mrs Ekun just got into the
hospital compound because they
heard their daughter was taken
to the hospital. The police van
carrying Emilia just passed them
emitting smoke on them,they couldn’t see Emilia because she
was in between three (3) police
officers and she was bowing her
head down weeping,she didn’t
see them also. Mr.Ekun who was
concerned about his daughter’s health shouted at the police van
that just emitted smoke on
him,beecause he hated smoke.
He was ranting in anger though
he knew his rants were futile. His
wife was beckoning on him to calm down.
Mrs.Ekun: Honey! Calm down,
stop shouting.
Mr.Ekun: Those people are
idiots,bloody police. Imagine!
What if it was an asthmatic person that was here now? It
would had been a different case.
Mrs.Ekun: Honey it’s okay, let’s
go and see Emilia and Ebuka ,it’s
a very deadly issue we have
here. Mr.Ekun : Okay (he increased his
steps and when they got inside
the reception,they were able to
find out that Emilia was admitted
in Ward 36 but some nurses
weren’t sure she was still around except they found out from the
Doctor and nurses available for
her treatment).


Mr.Ekun: Good morning,doctor.
Doctor Evbagharu: Good
morning sir.
Mrs.Ekun: Good day.
Dr.Evbagharu: Thanks Ma. Mr.Ekun: Please we are looking
for one Emilia,we were told she
was admitted here.
Dr.Evbagharu: Oh i see,that’s
correct,so are you her relatives?
Mrs.Ekun: We are her parents. Dr.Evbagharu: Okay,Emilia has
just been arrested by the police
for the murder of her husband
Ebuka,who died this morning.
Mrs.Ekun: Oluwa oh,my enemies
are at it again ! Mr.Ekun: Hmm! Ebuka is
dead,one day after his
Mrs.Ekun: God come to our
rescue oh (she starts wailing).
Dr.Evbagharu: Please this is an hospital,ma please take it
easy,accept my condolence.
Mr.Ekun: Doctor,please do you
have any idea of the police
station they’ve taken my
daughter to,i saw a police van moving out of this hospital.
Dr.Evbagharu: Erm! They
mentioned something like state
police branch,Lekki.
Mr.Ekun: Thank you Doctor. (He
leaves the hospital with his wife who is still weeping and his eyes
are blood-red).
Emilia was taken to the State
Police Branch,Lekki. She was
looking very pale and haggered because she had been in tears
since. They entered the Police
Station where she sees
Barr.Ebere sitting on a chair
sobbing,just as Barr.Ebere heard
some footsteps,she looked up. Barr.Ebere: Look at the
murderer,you killed my son. You
bloody fool. I told my husband
to cancel the marriage but he
didn’t heed,now see what you’ve
done,why did you kill my son? (Barr.Ebere starts dragging the
pale Emilia forward and
backward almost simultaneously
but the policemen intervened).
Sergeant Elechi: Madam please
you told us to arrest her and that’s what we’ve done,we have
her in our custody,let us handle
her on our own,don’t put law
into your hands.
Barr.Ebere: What have you
done,sergeant. You haven’t started to torture this witch to
death,she killed my son and i
must give her what she deserves
(crying,shouting and dragging
Emilia more).

* Emilia who was initially silent
started begging Barr.Ebere. *
Emilia: Ma please i didn’t kill my
Ebuka,i swear he was shot by
someone in mask. Ma i love Ebuka,i can’t think of hurting
him talkless of murdering him.
(she knelt down crying).
Barr.Ebere: Oh you are now
confessing that you didn’t kill
him alone,you also employed an assasin to kill my son, you
are wicked. You are evil (she
started crying) Emilia give me
my son,give me my son
(shouting madly).
Emilia: Mummy please i didn’t kill your son.
Barr.Ebere: God-d--n
you,don’t ever call me
‘mummy’ again,do i look like
your filthy mother,en! Answer
me (Just then Mr and Mrs Ekun entered the police station).
Mrs.Ekun: Ha! My in-law you are
here,we heard what
happened,it’s a painful thing oh
Mr.Ekun: Good day Ebere,sorry for the loss.
Barr.Ebere : Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hold it there,who is your in-law
and you Mr. Ebo Ekun what is
good about the day when you
and your daughter have succeeded in exterminating my
Mr.Ekun: What do you mean,is
that why you sent police to
arrest my daughter,my
daughter didn’t murder your son (Talking with total
seriousness and reddened eye).
Barr.Ebere: Shut up,you are
lucky,my good character won’t
allow me to include you in the
wrath of the law,it’s only your daughter that would
unfortunately suffer it. Ebo,
how could you connive with
your daughter to kill my son ?
(Resuming the spring that
poured from her eyes). Mrs.Ekun: Emilia,how are you
feeling? (Examining her
daughter) Ebere please leave
my daughter out of this.
Barr.Ebere: Stupid people,what
are you waiting for,sergeants? (The sergeants moving like
people being remote-controlled
started chasing Mr and Mrs Ekun
out of the police station,Emilia
was down-casted and
cried,producing tears much enough to fill a bucket). Good,
Emilia you would face the full
wrath of the law for murdering
my joy,my first son. (saying
that, she walked out of the
police station leaving Emilia in the custody of the police
Goodnight to you all.

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