
Saturday 31 March 2018




Emilia was coming out from the exit door in Shop-rite,she was carrying two polythene bags looking for a cab or bike to take her home. Suddenly a Black Toyota Camry Spider stopped abruptly closed to her,she tried to look at the person who was driving the car but the tinted glass didn’t permit her. `Hello’ a fair handsome young man said as he wound down the glass,the man grinned exposing the gap between his lower incisors.
Emilia:Hola!(she looked at the man trying to figure out if they’ve met before). I don’t think we’ve met before mister or have we(She said coldly)?
Man:Nope pretty,we’ve not,please call me Ebuka not mister. I just stopped to find out if you care for a lift,i can’t allow a pretty damsel like you to face the scorching sun looking for a cab.
Emilia:Hmm! I rather stand forever than for a man to give me a lift (Ebuka tried to talk but she shushed him,as Ebuka ignited the engine to go,she thought to herself that it was better to accept his offer and save her strenght)

Because she had been standing for nearly 30 minutes,she decided to accept his offer.
Emilia: Okay! Ebuka stop i’ve accepted your offer.
Emilia:Oh! Stop calling me pretty,i’m Emilia.
Ebuka:Okay! Emilia. So what did you buy in shop-rite?
Emilia: Some articles.
Ebuka: (Inquisitively)Like…
Emilia: (Harshly) It’s none of your business.
Ebuka: Hmm! (He inserted a C.D plate into the C.D drive and it loaded and started playing).
Emilia: (Emilia wished it was not this song,because it was her favourite,she tried to control herself from singing along but couldn’t as she sang along as if she was the one that composed the lyrics of the song,it was `Hello by Adele)Hello…
Ebuka: Wow! What a nice voice.(Emilia ignored him and continued singing).Where do you stay?
Ebuka:Would you get to chief Ayo’s crescent?
Emilia:Yeah! I Stay in the street.
Ebuka:(Joyously) I live in Maritime Avenue which is just about 2km from chief Ayo’s crescent.
Emilia: Whatever(She said still singing).
Ebuka:We’re already at chief Ayo’s crescent ,should i drop you at your house?
Emilia:No! (She said bluntly)Drop me here!
Ebuka: Okay! (He killed the engine) Please give me your cell phone number.
Emilia: Nope thanks for the ride (she said almost running out of the car to the street, meanwhile Ebuka just shook his head in embarassment and drove off).
Emilia:Mum! Dad! I’m back. (Her father Mr.Ebo Ekun,rushed out).
Mr.Ekun:Hey! You’re back,we’ve been waiting for you,what kept you so long?
Emilia:It was traffic Jam and i didn’t see cab on time. What about mummy?
Mr.Ekun:She went out to look for you,after trying your number but to no avail.
Emilia:Maybe it’s network,let me call her(She dialled her mum’s number and talked to her for about 2 minutes) She would soon come,i’ve called her.
Mr.Ekun:Okay,did you see everything you were told to buy?
Emilia:Yes! But the peanut butter had an increase of about #100.
Mr.Ekun:Okay let me go and rest.
(The door is pushed open and Mrs.Esther Ekun enters).
Emilia:Mummy! Welcome! You must have gone through stress.
Mrs.Ekun:Welcome! The kind of stress you put me through hen! (She rushed and embraced her daughter).


“Don’t forget to follow us on
twitter@Wazobiafm,and like our page on facebook.You can also download our mobile app on playstore,have a nice day.”.Emilia said as she finished casting the 3:00 pm news.Her work for the day was over,she went to another room talked briefly with a lady and signed on a big hard-cover note..She took her handbag and left the Broadcasting house.As she was trying to cross the main road to the other wing of the road,a car almost hit her,she yelled at the danfo driver.She was walking like someone who had an amputated leg Because of the wedge and because of the stress she went through due to the previous night’sthinking.She was feeling famished and she stopped to buy a sausage roll.She ate hit hurriedly and bought a sachet water.She was about walking to the bus park to get a bus when a car horned at her,she turned to the direction and found a black camry spider,she quickly recognized the car.She ran towards the car but before she reached, Ebuka came out from the car.
Ebuka ran out of the car with his hands wide like someone who has seen his lost child and wants to embrace her,there was no doubt he too had been thinking about her.He suddenly stopped when he got to where she was,he brought his hands down because he was scared of her reaction,she was embarrassed because she was expecting the hug. However,she hugged him tightly and he was shocked,he cleaned his eyes to check if he was dreaming.
Emilia: You’re not dreaming,it’s real life dear.(she was a bit shy).
Ebuka: (He didn’t know what to do,he just dragged her to the car).What came over you? You were quite cold in your reaction to me yesterday and today it’s a different case.
Emilia: (Laughing out loud)I couldn’t help thinking about you throughout the night.
Ebuka: Hmm! Like seriously,i didn’t sleep well,i was also thinking about you but i tried to lay the thoughts off because it was my first time of seeing you.
Emilia:(smiling) Just drive,take me somewhere we can talk,it’s not right to talk while driving.
Ebuka: Okay oh Madam Road safety,i dey hail oh.
Emilia: Lolz you’re teasing me.(She gave him a soft punch on his arm and he continued driving till they reached a fast food restaurant).
They held hands as they walked into sizzlers fast food,the cool A.C welcomed them. They took their seat and other people were gazing and they looked good together.
Ebuka: What do you care for?
Emilia: (She knew she was hungry and there was no need forming) Jollof rice and Turkey please.
Ebuka: Waiter!
Waiter: Yes oga!
Ebuka: Get us two plates of Jollof rice and Turkey and a bottle of blueberry wine.
Emilia: So where were you coming from when you met me!
Ebuka: I was coming from work.i’ve just been promoted from a contract supervisor to the manager in Alcatel Nigeria limited.
Waiter: Your order sir! (He dropped the tray on the table).
Ebuka: How much is your bill ?
Waiter: #15,000(gives him the breakdown).
Ebuka: Take your money and keep the change.(He gave him #15,500).
Waiter: Thank you very much sir(Beaming with happiness).
Emilia: (After the waiter walked away) Wow! Congratulations.
Ebuka: Thanks dear(They ate and discussed a little before they went back to the car,they exchanged cards containing their Address,Phone number and email before Ebuka dropped her at Chief Ayo’s crescent).
Good night to you all.


Mr.Ekun’s house:
Emilia met her father watching Al-jazeera news,she greeted him and he replied calmly. Emilia went to the kitchen and met her mum cooking,she greeted her mum,hugged her and left for her room. Both Mr. And Mrs. Ekun were surprised at their daughter’s unusual happiness and smiles as she sang around happily. They however thought it was not necessary to ask her while she was so joyful and happy. Emilia on the other hand was falling in love for the first time in her life and she hoped the relationship would be strong to graduate to marriage.
Mr.Eze’s house:
Ebuka’s father; Mr.Ernest Eze was in the living room watching soccer when Ebuka arrived. He was surprised and wondered why his son was about one hour late in returning to the house.
Ebuka: Papa Good evening oh,hmm! Arsenal is flogging Leicester 2:0 just in the first half.
Mr.Eze: Good evening,why are you just coming now,you ought to be here before 4:00 pm and look at the time it’s 5minutes passed 5.
Ebuka: Ha! Papa,the traffic jam around that Egbeda road is three much.
Mr.Eze: Okay! The carpenter called me and told me he’s through with roofing your house,that the tilers have also commenced work.
Ebuka: Hmm! So fast,those guys are serious in their oh,by the way,where is mama?
Mr.Eze: Your mum went to the market,i guess she would soon come back.
30 minutes later:
Ebuka: Mama welcome oh(he rushed to help her carry her loads).
Barrister.EbereEze: Welcome my son!
1 hour later:
Ebuka: Papa! Mama! They promoted me to the post of a manager in my company,i almost forgot.
Barrister.Ebere: Wow! That calls for celebration.
Mr.Eze: Yes oh,congratulations Ebuka.
Ebuka: Thanks papa!
(Ebuka went to his room after spending sometime with his parents,he removed Emilia’s card from his pocket and dialled her number).
Ebuka: Please is this Emilia on the phone.
Mr.Ekun: No young man,I’m her dad.Let me give her the phone.
Ebuka: (Ebuka’s heart skipped a beat but he quickly put himself together).Okay sir!
Emilia: Hello Ebuka
Ebuka: Hey! How’re you doing?
Emilia: I’m okay oh,what about you?
Ebuka: Same here,i just wanted to hear your voice.
Emilia: Lolz,haven’t you heard my voice today?
Ebuka: Okay oh,na you sabi(smiling).Bye!
Emilia: Bye!(The truth was Ebuka was still nervous because he thought her dad was still close to her)

After a long day at work,Ebuka was very tired,he was driving home with little strength and to crown his ordeal was that he was extremely hungry. He shouted furiously at one man who obstructed his road as the man was reversing his pick-up Van,it was not up to 2 minutes,he insulted a danfo driver,proving the adage `A hungry man is an angry lion’. In another 1 hour,he blew his horn over-sonorouslyas he was in front of his father’s house. The gateman;El-malik who was supposedly sleeping,hesitated in opening the gate,Ebuka came out from the car annoyed and started banging the gate with both hands and foot,the drowsy El-malik then peeped from the eye-hole and opened the gate,Ebuka got back inside his car and drove inside the compound wildly,El-malikwent to welcome him but was not spared by a sounding slap that caressed his face,you know those kind of slaps that removes someone’s standing.
El-malik:Aargh!Oga(still on the floor).
Ebuka:Don’t Oga me,drowsy fool(Ebuka added as he climbed the stairs that les to the sitting room,he wasn’t expecting anybody to be at home because his father was supposed to be at the Igbo Men Association,Lagos branch meeting And his mother who was a barrister had a case to handle at court,he looked beneath the footmat where they normally kept the keyif they’re not around,he didn’t see the key there,he wondered if they forgot to drop the key or whether Ekaete their maid ;who went on vacation returned,he wanted to call his parents on phone but he decided to knock,as he knocked,almost immediately someone started opening the door from the living room.
The person on seeing him rushed to hug him,he quickly pushed her off him,extremely angry.
Ebuka: Erica what the f--k are you doing here?
Erica: Ebu love,i missed you and decided to come and visit you,your dad just left for meeting and he let me in.
Ebuka: Shut up,you missed your self,you w---e,a glorified w---e for that matter. Get out before i lose my temper(Barking).
Erica:Nah! Ebuka,i’ve been here for over 2hours,waiting for your arrival.
Ebuka:As if i care,gerrout! Before i do something nasty.
Erica:Ebu you’re not that mean,are you?
Ebuka: Ask google the d--n question and spare me that crap.
Erica: Ebu sweet(She made advances to come close to him,but he resisted her with force and rushed to his bedroom,lockingthe door with his key).
Ebuka: What is all these?(He said falling on his soft Mouka foam,Erica was his ex-fiancee,he loved her dearly and wanted to marry her,but just 3months to the marriage,he caught her red-handedly cheating on him……
He tried to let go of it,but still caught her on another occasion,He hadn’t set his eyes on Erica until now after that incidence,Rumour had it that she traveled to Sierra-leone to stay with her aunt,After Ebuka dashed to his room,Erica waited for about 30minutes before going back because he was still obstinate to come out from his room,in Ebuka’s heart his total love for Erica has eluded and the person who he loves is Emilia.


One week later:
The relationship between Emilia and Ebuka was getting smoother and stronger, Ebuka woke up in the morning and went to wash his clothes using the washing machine, the housegirl Ekaete has just returned and she was cooking, so he had to do it himself. After that, he sat in the couch watching sport highlights, he didn’t bother to go to work because he was the manager, it wasn’t that he was lazy or inefficient but it was because he had a crucial thing to do. He knew Emilia would be at home because she is always off duty on fridays, so he wanted to pay her a surprise visit. He ironed his Senator-suit,which was already starched, he polished his shoe and went to bath. After 8 minutes he came out from the bathroom and dressed like he was doing his traditional marriage, his dad was surprised and hailed him, the elderly man didn’t bother to ask him where he was going because he was sure it was a lady he was going to see.
He didn’t call Emilia to tell her he was coming, her address was already on the card she gave to him and besides he was conversant with chief Ayo’s crescent, so there was no cause for alarm. He quickly went to his neatly washed car, sparkling and dazzling, ignited the engine and started driving, El-malik who had become diligent as from the day of that glorious slap, rushed like Usain Bolt to go and open the gate.

He drove merrily through the road that led to Chief Ayo’s Crescent,he stopped at a confectionery store to purchase plate chin-chin and Coke for Emilia because she loved the combination real good. He futher stopped at a dark-brown gate and parked his car close to the gate because with the description the gate had the No 13 written boldly on it which was what the card denoted. He knocked on the gate and Mr.Ekun who was dressed very simply sitting close to the gate went to open the gate,he looked at the young man who hadn’t met before to know what he was looking for.
Ebuka:Good day Sir,i came to see Emilia,please is she around.
Mr.Ekun:Yes she’s around.
Ebuka:Okay! Shey you’re the securityman,nice to meet you,do you have any idea if her parents are around, so that i would start preparing how to talk to them(He was thinking Mr.Ekun was the gateman).
Mr.Ekun:(Laughing hysterically). Hahaha!,I’m Mr.Ekun,Emilia’s father,do you think i’m the security man?
Ebuka:(Realising his mistake). Ha! Sorry sir! Please i’m very sorry(He prostrates though he’s an Igbo guy).
Mr.Ekun:Stand up my son,don’t bother,just go and meet Emilia, she’s in the livingroom.(He pointed to the livingroom situated in the pretty neatly built bungalow just beside the series of bougainvillea).
He Entered the livingroom and found Emilia sleeping on the long couch beside her Cellphone,he decided to flash her phone so that she would be surprised to see him,he dialled her number and the sound from her Rihanna’s work ringing tone woke her up,he quickly hung up as she jumped and was very surprise to see him. She rushed to hug his already open arms.
Emilia:Jeez! Ebuka how did you get here? You didn’t call that you were coming?
Ebuka:Surprise!Surprise! I wanted to give you a surprise visit(He sat on the long couch and she also sat there).
Emilia:Hmm! Did you see my dad? I was carried away by sleep.
Ebuka:Yep i did,take what i bought for you(He handed over the celophane bag to her).
Emilia:Thanks(She began eating,she also forced him to eat with her eventhough it was just 2 plates of chin-chin and one coke).
Ebuka:(Still chewing).Your dad is a very nice man oh.
(As if Mr.Ekun heard his name,he coincidentally entered the living room).
Mr.Ekun: So you said I’m nice,thanks for the compliment.(Smiling).
Ebuka:Yes sir,you’re very nice.
Emilia:Daddy meet my fiance;Ebuka.
Mr.Ekun:Your fiance and you didn’t tell me. Anyway welcome my son.So has she offered you anything?
Emilia:Sorry dad,i was waiting for him to come first.
Ebuka:Don’t worry sir,I’m okay.
Mr.Ekun:If you say so(He shook hands with Ebuka and sat down on another seat,After sometime, Mrs.Ekun returned and also discussed with them.After Ebuka left,Mr and Mrs Ekun agreed they like Ebuka).


Ebuka drove home swiftly and when he got home,he quickly switched the DSTV to supersports,he didn’t want to miss the Tennis shanghai Open between Andy Murray and Baptisto. As he was enjoying the tennis game,his phone rang.
Emilia:Hey!Haveyou reached the house.
Ebuka:(Jokingly) Are you a prophet or something? I’m just reaching the house oh.
Emilia:Okay oh,so wetin you dey do nau?
Ebuka:I’m just watching Tennis.
Emilia:Boring guy,I hate sports.
Ebuka:Stay there and continue hating it,so what channel do you like?
Emilia:Telemundo and Zeeworld.
Ebuka:(LaughingHysterically) Hahaha! That kind thing self. That means when we get married,we would buy two T.V and two decoder,oh! Because i can’t bear those white-hausa people called Indians.
Emilia:Na you sabi,who dash you wife?
Ebuka:Your parents nau,see me see wahala oh.
Emilia:(Laughing) Funny guy,Okay boo i want to do something?
Ebuka:Something like?
Emilia:I wanna check what i’m cooking.
Ebuka:Hey! What food?
Emilia:The beans is burning oh,Bye talk to you later.
Ebuka:Bye! But send my food oh.(He hung up).
Finally,the long awaited month arrived,it was the Month of May. Ebuka didn’t go to work because it was the worker’s day holiday. So he sat down chatting on facebook with Emilia. She told him that she wants to visit him and he told her he would come and pick her,at first Emilia didn’t agree but after much pestering she agreed that he would cone and pick her. He drove to Emilia’s house,Emilia who was already dressed entered the car and he drove smoothly to his father’s house,El-Malik rushed to open the gate at the blast of the first horn. Ebuka drove inside the compound and parked in the garage. He opened the door and came out of the car,Emilia did same. He led her to the livingroom via the staircase.Therewas nobody at home except Ekaete;the housemaid and El-Malik;the gateman. They went inside and sat,Emilia was given a bottle of coke which she rejected saying “She’ve already taken one before”. They had series of discussions ranging from T.V stations to politics and so on.
As they were having fun together,a bang on the door which wasn’t closed forced the intruder to enter.She marched gallantly like a soldier trailling the footstep of a terrorist. She clapped her hands in awe,the Intruder was no other person than Erica.
Erica:Hey! Chai! I’m i dreaming,what I’m i seeing?
Ebuka: Erica who told you to come to my house,are you mad? For crying out loud,i told you not to step your foot here again.(Emilia was just watching the scene in a confused state).
Erica: So it’s because of this sick-looking orangutan that you sent me out of your house the other day? Tell me Ebuka!(Shoutinglike a madwoman) What does she have that i don’t have?
Ebuka: I would be glad if you leave this house at this very minute.When you were cheating on me,you didn’t know. And don’t ever call my fiancee names,if not i would slap you.
Emilia:(Emilia who had been quiet all this while spoke) What is going on here,please Ebuka who is she?
Erica:I’m Ebuka’s wife oh,Husband-Snatcher(Attempts to beat Emilia but Ebuka intervenes and gives her a slap).Ebuka you slapped me,we shall see.
Emilia:Aunty Erica please i’m sorry.
Erica:Don’t worry,you’ve done nothing to me,it’s this stupid Ebuka that would suffer.
Ebuka:You can do nothing,shameless w---e.(Erica slapped him back and dashed out of the house.)

                                    CONTINUE EPISODE 7

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