
Saturday 31 March 2018




It was a day before the marriage,preparations were going on and on. Ebuka had already gotten a sea-green colour William Fioravanti Bespoke suit with Bow-tie. Emilia was not left out,she settled for a beautiful silk and leather combination Delpozo wedding gown,sparkling white. Their parents also prepared themselves for the wedding because both in each parent’s case it was their first child that were getting married. Barr.Ebere who was a fashion freak though wasn’t happy about the union decided to look good in her son’s marriage,after all looking good was her hobby,her husband bought a fitted Brown Igbo native cloth with a red cap.According to the marriage plan,both the white and the traditional marriage were to hold the same day and the white would be before the traditional,andit’s after the traditional marriage,the reception would hold. The next day was the D-day which was going to be filled with a lot of activities,so many preparations were to be made. Though the wedding invitation card were just printed and distributed last two weeks,the people that promised to come from Ebuka’s office,Emilia’sfellow workers in Wazobia fm,people from Barr.Ebere’s N.B.A (National Bar Association), Mr.Eze’s Igbo meeting members,church members,Mr and Mrs Ekun friends,family members,neighbours and others too numerous to mention.The people who promised to attend were in large numbers.It was a pity Emmanuella won’t be able to come for the marriage because at that time ,they were having exams in the university

Even as early as 3:30 am,the next morning,the food preparation was ongoing,other things like car designs were also taking place. The preparations were long but they were able to finish them on time. By 9:00 am,Emilia and Ebuka in their wedding clothes were inside a decorated Limousine 2013 model,the owner Ebuka’s b---m friend and also the best man was the one driving. The cars of their parents,family members and other people were behind them. They entered the church; Living faith Church and the wedding procession started,Ebuka and Emilia side-by-side were at the front marching,behindthem were the Chief Bride’s maid and Best Man.
The Pastor blessed and joined them after 30 minutes,the congregation prayed for them and after another one hour they were out of the church. They headed to the court and signed the marriage registry,their parents also signed. Everybody was happy,they celebrated like never before,even the cruel Barr.Ebere was not left out in the celebration.They danced happily when they got home after signing the registry. It was time for the traditional marriage but they decided to wait for about 1 hourcommence before the traditional marriage would . Some boys were arranging the canopy in different sections of Mr.Ekun’s large compound,the reception was also to hold there because they was enough space

How time flies! The traditional
wedding commenced and the
groom’s family began with the
‘we’ve found a beautiful flower in
your compound and we’ve come to pluck it’ stuffs,after thar the Bride
price was paid,other fees were also
paid like money for
wrappers,settlement of bride’s
mum etcetra. After that,Ebuka and
Emilia came out from the house in traditional attire,the groom’s
family further went to bring
foodstuffs like Tubers of yam,kegs
of palm oil,bags of rice etcetra.
Later the dancing begun,it was
Ebuka and Emilia at first,later their parents joined,after their
parents,other friends,family
members and well wishers danced
with them. Emilia’s best friend; Miss
Ekeinde who was also the chief
bridesmaid was very happy for her friend. The food started
arriving,people already famish
from dancing rushed to take
theirs,some looters took many
plates of rice and poured in poly-
thene bags,this funny behaviour is common in most Nigerian
Occasions. The celebration
continued till Mr and Mrs Ebuka
drove off to Ebuka’s house
accompanied by their family
members and friends.


The next day,they went for marriage thanksgiving which was very brief. They decided to go and celebrate their honeymoon,Ebukasuggested Seychelles island or France but Emilia disapproved the idea,she said they shouldn’t waste money and that they should celebrate it in any beach there in Lagos,she further said their trip to Seychelles island or France should be saved till when they welcome their first child. Ebuka welcomed her idea and they decided to go to ‘JOWELL STAR BEACH’ which is in Victoria island,they wore the same attire and drove there,they were very happy because it was a dream-come-true,they booked a space there,because the beach was very large,so only Them were in that space. They gisted bought drinks and ate barbecue,they started playing they went to the river and started splashing water on themself,they changed their clothes to swimming suits and trunk and Ebuka who was good at swimming started teaching Emilia who was a novice how to swim. After several swimming practice they decided to rest a little before playing again. Ebuka lifted Emilia up, while she giggled and took her to a long bench,they sat down there resting,they started arguing on the name they would give their first child,suddenly someone-in-maskapproached them ,brought out a pistol pulled the trigger aiming towards Ebuka,Ebuka fell down DEAD. The man quickly vanished scene,Emilia trying to figure out what was going on,screamed and collapsed.
Another person in mask approached the couple lying side by side on the ground ,shook his head and left.




A lot of doctors and nurses were
gathered in JUTH,some were in
the theatre trying to operate on
Ebuka,suddenly they removed
two bullets from his abdomen and kept them in a tray.
Dr.Evbagharu: This is a very
critical case,i’m afraid he is dead.
Dr.Emma: And the man’s parents
and family members are not
here yet. Ebuka: (Trying to get up) Aargh!
(Struggling in pain,trying to
speak) Plea-se,tell Emi-Emilia,I-i
love (He starts coughing and
struggles to breathe,he finally
falls back on the bed,the doctors who were struggling to bring
back his life were scared,the
nurse checked his pulse and
broke the sad news)
Nurse: He doesn’t have pulse.
Dr.Evbagharu: Oh God ! (Checking his heart-beat with a
stechtoscope). He is dead.
Mr.Eze and Barr.Ebere rushed
into the hospital and quickly
dashed into the theatre room,Ebuka was taken to.The
nurse who directed them led
them into the theatre.
Barr.Ebere: Please doctor,can
you tell me what is going on?
(Panicking) Mr.Eze: What’s wrong with my
son,why is he motionless?
Dr.Emma: Sir,your son was
brought into this hospital after
being shot,we were able to
remove the bullets from him,but we….we(stammers).
Barr.Ebere: You did what?
(Interrupts with fear).
Dr.Evbagharu: I’m sorry,we tried
our best but we lost him.
Mr.Eze: Lost? (He shook his head put his hand on his head and was
sobbing though he was a man).
Barr.Ebere: Ewooo!! Chimoo!!
(shouting wildly,jumping up and
down,while her eyes produced
tears like a running tap). Dr.Emma: Please Madam,there
are other patients here,this is a
theatre, please excuse us. It’s so
unfortunate,we tried our best.
Barr.Ebere: Leave me oh,i would
shout (crying more,Mr.Eze then led his wife out of the theatre
Dr.Evbagharu: God,is this life?
Imagine someone being
murdered in his honeymoon.
Dr.Emma: Very surprising,truetalk Evbagharu.
A nurse was sitting very close to
Emilia,who was still
unconscious.Emilia’s heart which
wasn’t beating normally initially then started beating well. The
nurse didn’t notice it but Emilia
woke up and started crying.
Nurse Ebi: She’s awake oh,she’s
awake.(She rushed out and later
came with Dr.Evbagharu). Emilia: (with tears) Where is my
husband,where is Ebuka? Ebuka
where are you?
Nurse Ebi: Doctor should i inject
her with trichloromethane to
make her sleep. Dr.Evbagharu: No that’s not
necessary,just give her Lucozade
Boost to give her strength.
Emilia: Don’t give me anything,is
Ebuka dead? Please Ebuka i want
to follow you,i can remember he was shot. Where is this d--n
Dr.Evbagharu: You’re in
Jonathan University Teaching
Hospital (JUTH),Lekki.
Emilia: God! Answer me, where is ebuka?
Dr.Evbagharu: You really need to
Emilia: You’re mad,where is
(As Emilia was ranting and crying some police officers stormed the
They entered the ward where
Emilia was and Dr.Evbagharu
was surprised to see them.
Sergeant Ezekiel: I’m sergeant
Ezekiel (Flashing his I.D card) From the state police
Sergeant Elechi : I’m Sergeant
Elechi (Flashing his I.D card) also
from the state police
branch,Lekki. I guess this lady on the bed is Emilia?
Emilia: I’m Emilia,what is going
on here?
Sergeant Ezekiel: You are under
arrest for the murder of your
husband,Mr.Ebuka Eze during your honeymoon.
Emilia: (crying loudly) I didn’t
murder my husband,so Ebuka is
really dead? (The Doctor and
nurse were just watching).
Sergeant Elechi : You have the right to remain silent because
any word you utter here would
be used against you in the court
of law. (They start hand-cuffing
Dr.Evbagharu: She’s just recovering nah,would you arrest
a convalescent?
Sergeant Ezekiel: Hey Doctor!
Don’t you dare question the law.
Sergeant Elechi: We also need the
bullets you removed from Ebuka for finger-print analysis.
Dr.Evbagharu: Okay officers but
take it easy with her,come and
collect the bullets (They followed
him to his office).
***************************** Mr and Mrs Ekun just got into the
hospital compound because they
heard their daughter was taken
to the hospital. The police van
carrying Emilia just passed them
emitting smoke on them,they couldn’t see Emilia because she
was in between three (3) police
officers and she was bowing her
head down weeping,she didn’t
see them also. Mr.Ekun who was
concerned about his daughter’s health shouted at the police van
that just emitted smoke on
him,beecause he hated smoke.
He was ranting in anger though
he knew his rants were futile. His
wife was beckoning on him to calm down.
Mrs.Ekun: Honey! Calm down,
stop shouting.
Mr.Ekun: Those people are
idiots,bloody police. Imagine!
What if it was an asthmatic person that was here now? It
would had been a different case.
Mrs.Ekun: Honey it’s okay, let’s
go and see Emilia and Ebuka ,it’s
a very deadly issue we have
here. Mr.Ekun : Okay (he increased his
steps and when they got inside
the reception,they were able to
find out that Emilia was admitted
in Ward 36 but some nurses
weren’t sure she was still around except they found out from the
Doctor and nurses available for
her treatment).


Mr.Ekun: Good morning,doctor.
Doctor Evbagharu: Good
morning sir.
Mrs.Ekun: Good day.
Dr.Evbagharu: Thanks Ma. Mr.Ekun: Please we are looking
for one Emilia,we were told she
was admitted here.
Dr.Evbagharu: Oh i see,that’s
correct,so are you her relatives?
Mrs.Ekun: We are her parents. Dr.Evbagharu: Okay,Emilia has
just been arrested by the police
for the murder of her husband
Ebuka,who died this morning.
Mrs.Ekun: Oluwa oh,my enemies
are at it again ! Mr.Ekun: Hmm! Ebuka is
dead,one day after his
Mrs.Ekun: God come to our
rescue oh (she starts wailing).
Dr.Evbagharu: Please this is an hospital,ma please take it
easy,accept my condolence.
Mr.Ekun: Doctor,please do you
have any idea of the police
station they’ve taken my
daughter to,i saw a police van moving out of this hospital.
Dr.Evbagharu: Erm! They
mentioned something like state
police branch,Lekki.
Mr.Ekun: Thank you Doctor. (He
leaves the hospital with his wife who is still weeping and his eyes
are blood-red).
Emilia was taken to the State
Police Branch,Lekki. She was
looking very pale and haggered because she had been in tears
since. They entered the Police
Station where she sees
Barr.Ebere sitting on a chair
sobbing,just as Barr.Ebere heard
some footsteps,she looked up. Barr.Ebere: Look at the
murderer,you killed my son. You
bloody fool. I told my husband
to cancel the marriage but he
didn’t heed,now see what you’ve
done,why did you kill my son? (Barr.Ebere starts dragging the
pale Emilia forward and
backward almost simultaneously
but the policemen intervened).
Sergeant Elechi: Madam please
you told us to arrest her and that’s what we’ve done,we have
her in our custody,let us handle
her on our own,don’t put law
into your hands.
Barr.Ebere: What have you
done,sergeant. You haven’t started to torture this witch to
death,she killed my son and i
must give her what she deserves
(crying,shouting and dragging
Emilia more).

* Emilia who was initially silent
started begging Barr.Ebere. *
Emilia: Ma please i didn’t kill my
Ebuka,i swear he was shot by
someone in mask. Ma i love Ebuka,i can’t think of hurting
him talkless of murdering him.
(she knelt down crying).
Barr.Ebere: Oh you are now
confessing that you didn’t kill
him alone,you also employed an assasin to kill my son, you
are wicked. You are evil (she
started crying) Emilia give me
my son,give me my son
(shouting madly).
Emilia: Mummy please i didn’t kill your son.
Barr.Ebere: God-d--n
you,don’t ever call me
‘mummy’ again,do i look like
your filthy mother,en! Answer
me (Just then Mr and Mrs Ekun entered the police station).
Mrs.Ekun: Ha! My in-law you are
here,we heard what
happened,it’s a painful thing oh
Mr.Ekun: Good day Ebere,sorry for the loss.
Barr.Ebere : Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hold it there,who is your in-law
and you Mr. Ebo Ekun what is
good about the day when you
and your daughter have succeeded in exterminating my
Mr.Ekun: What do you mean,is
that why you sent police to
arrest my daughter,my
daughter didn’t murder your son (Talking with total
seriousness and reddened eye).
Barr.Ebere: Shut up,you are
lucky,my good character won’t
allow me to include you in the
wrath of the law,it’s only your daughter that would
unfortunately suffer it. Ebo,
how could you connive with
your daughter to kill my son ?
(Resuming the spring that
poured from her eyes). Mrs.Ekun: Emilia,how are you
feeling? (Examining her
daughter) Ebere please leave
my daughter out of this.
Barr.Ebere: Stupid people,what
are you waiting for,sergeants? (The sergeants moving like
people being remote-controlled
started chasing Mr and Mrs Ekun
out of the police station,Emilia
was down-casted and
cried,producing tears much enough to fill a bucket). Good,
Emilia you would face the full
wrath of the law for murdering
my joy,my first son. (saying
that, she walked out of the
police station leaving Emilia in the custody of the police
Goodnight to you all.

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Emilia:Ebuka what is all these?
Ebuka:Nothing much.
Emilia:Don’t tell me `nothing much’ you have an explanation to make.
Ebuka:Okay fine,Erica was my former fiancee,she was unfaithful to me,just 3 months to our wedding,i caught her red-handedly with another man.So she’s past tense now.
Emilia:How i’m i sure,that you’re saying the truth….(Before she or Ebuka could say anything,the Housemaid;Ekaete who had been eavesdropping all this while,interrupted her).
Ekaete:Madam,you don’t need to be sure,i see am with my koro-koro eye when Madam Erica dey with one bobo.
Emilia:(Laughing at her accent and manner of English)What’s your name?
Ekaete:My name na Ekaete,My papa name na Edidiong,My Mama name na Emediong,My sister name na Enobong,My brother name na Essien,My grandmama name na….
Ebuka:(Ebuka&Emilia laughing hysterically,itwas Ekaete that lightened the air) It’s okay Ekaete,go and do your work.
Emilia:Ebuka I’ve stayed For long,i got to go now ,oya boo come and take me home
Ekaete:Bye Bye Oga and madam oh(She chorused from the kitchen).
(Ebuka and Emilia went out from the house) Chai! Rove is Brind oh(Ekaete chorused smiling,misplacing the L for R in both words).
Ebuka came back from dropping Emilia and switched on the T.V he needed cool music to step down his head.Ekaete came to the living room and started talking to him.
Ekaete:Oga welcome no vex oh,that Madam Erica too bad oh,Me i no like am at-all,at-all.Na Madam Emilia be better person. That Madam Erica na bad belle,she like to dey pour sand for person garri.
Ebuka:Ekaete,the issue is gone,so go and tell El-Malik to bring the cartons inside.
Ekaete:Emarik don do am since.
Ebuka: Wow! That’s good of him,tell him to watch dad’s car,Dad called me on phone to tell him to do it.
Ekaete:Okay! Emarik! Emarik!(She shouted El-Malik’s name although she hadn’t even gone downstairs.
Emmanuella had come back from Malaysia because they were given a three month holiday,so she was at home gisting with her sister who just came back from her visit to Ebuka’s house.
Emmanuella:Big sis,this one you’re smiling,That means you really love that guy.
Emilia:Yes oh and i’m sure he loves me too.
Emmanuella:Lolz i think so too,i could see it in his eyes.
Emilia:(Teasingher jokingly)So that’s what you guys are learning in Malaysia,you are learning how to see through people’s eye.
Emmanuella:I owe you big time sis,i really missed you and your jokes.And the stuffs i brought for you were quite small because i’m broke.
Emilia:Don’t bother i really appreciate.
Emmanuella:Anyway you and your Teman Lelaki look nice.
Emilia:Lolz so you’re now using Malay words for me.
Emmanuella:I’m famish,i want to eat.
Emilia:Is there no soup again?
Emmanuella:I have eaten that before, i want to eat Mee goreng.
Emilia:Lolz,so na because you don go Malaysia you dey do me like this?
Emmanuella:Nah!Big sis,Mee goreng is a Malay dish,come let’s go and prepare it,I’ll teach you,but is there noodles?
Emilia:Yeah,it’s in the kitchen, are you using noodles?
The relationship between Ebuka and Emilia was blossoming as the days rolled by.Ebuka proposed to Emilia on an occasion and she agreed,finally they set a date aside for the Introduction which was the 18th of May.It was finally May 17th and that day was one of the busiest day in the house of Mr.Ekun,they cooked varieties of food they though it was only introduction.They decorated the house very well and Emilia bought a new Buba and wrapper with gele(Headgear).The aroma from different dishes filled the air.Emmanuella was still around which made the preparation easier.
On the other hand in Mr.Eze’s house,Ebuka and his father took time in buying new native brocades with fine embroidery for the introduction.The next day which was the 18th of May,The Ekun family were waiting in their house listening to Fuji and gospel music.Some neighbours and friends were also seated,they were waiting for the Eze family to arrive.
In 45 minutes time,the Eze family arrived,Mr.Eze entered the livingroom,next was Ebuka who entered smiling,some friends and neighbours of the Eze family entered,the people present in the gathering were waiting for Barr.Ebere Eze;Ebuka’s mother,who was battling with her high-heeled shoe,she entered looking sophisticated but as she looked in the direction of Mr.Ekun



Barr.Ebere:(In anger) What! Ebo Ekun,international relations student in UNN,you that always got into my nerves,i remembered the last time, you ruined my life by reporting me to a lecturer when i copied his test question;you were there when the lecturer gave me carry-over in that course.(The guests were just looking at her and Mr.Ekun surprised and Bewildered)
Mr.Ekun:No!No!No! This can’t be!Ebere! You were too arrogant and loved playing fast ones while in school,you’re too harsh.This marriage can’t hold,i love my daughter,i don’t want her to suffer in your hand please.
Barr.Ebere:And who told you i would allow my son marry your daughter,tell me, you nitwit,i can’t allow my son marry your daughter oh,you that don’t like minding your business, always interfering in my affairs,how are you sure your daughter won’t be a poke-noser like you?
Barr.Ebere:Introduction Terminated,court rise! (She said and was about dashing out of the house but turned back) Honey meet me in the car(After saying that ,she left the living room,Emilia Immediately bursted into tears crying like a baby,her younger sister,Emmanuella was consoling her,in Ebuka’s case he placed his head on his knee in a sorrowful way)
Mrs.Ekun:Sorry ladies and gentlemen for the inconveniences,I’m sure we would sort things out and they would marry.
Mr.Ekun:Hey! Watch your tongue,That would be over my dead body.
Mr.Eze:They would get married,don’t say that.I would talk sense into my wife.
Mr.Ekun:Your wife was a person with bad character during our university days,i don’t think she would ever change.
Mr.Eze:She has changed oh(He smiled and Mr.Ekun shook hands with him)Please we would be taking our leave,Ebuka let’s go(Ebuka refused to stand up,rather he went to sit beside Emilia).
Emilia:(In tears) Ebuka listen to your dad,please you can go,just know that i wish we can ever be together.
Ebuka:We would,Emilia we would(He was trying to fight off the tears that were welling up in his eyes so that he wouldn’t disgrace himself).
Mrs.Ekun: oh God! (Ebuka later left with his father and Emilia retired to her room accompanied by Emmanuella).
Mr.Ekun:Hmm! If a prophet told me that Ebuka was Ebere’s son, i would have bet my life against it.
Mr.Ekun:My husband! Please nau,let’s allow them get married.
Mr.Ekun:(He was just mute initially but he looked at his wife,shook his head and said) I love my daughter,i know what i’m doing.
Emmanuella: Emilia stop crying,you’ve been crying since yesterday and you’ve engaged in hunger strike.
Emilia:(Crying)Yes Ella,you won’t understand,eventhough i kill myself, it’s worth it.
Emmanuella: You’re the only sibling i’ve got,so i am not happy seeing you in this condition,go and eat.Then after eating we would go and talk with dad.
Emilia:(Cleans her tears) Okay! (she goes to the kitchen,picks her spoon and eats thr rice with a low appetite).
Emmanuella:(After Emilia finished her food they went to meet their father who was in his room reading a newspaper). Good afternoon dad.
Mr.Ekun: (Raises his eye from the newspaper) Good afternoon,so what do i owe this visit,Emilia and Emmanuella.
Emilia: Ermm! Ermm! ( A bit confused on what to say)
Emmanuella: Dad! We came to ask and plead that you should allow Ebuka marry Emilia,i’ve accessed him myself and i don’t think he would have those characters you mentioned in his mother.
Emilia: Yes dad,Ebuka is nice.
Mr.Ekun: Listen to me ,Emilia and Emmanuella.Emmanuella you’re studying medicine,isn’t it?
Emmanuella: Yeah Dad,I’m studying medicine.
Mr.Ekun:Fine,sohaven’t you heard of genes,eventhough you say his mother’s gene is not dominant in him,atleast he would still have some traits of it.
Emilia: Dad please nau!
Mr.Ekun: Ebere is a very arrogant,harsh and hot-tempered woman,when we were in UNN,i always told her to turn from her vices,but she didn’t heed,one day i caught her copying a lecturer’s question so i reported her to the lecturer and she vowed to deal with me after the lecturer gave her carry-over in that course.
Emmanuella: Dad but…
Mr.Ekun: shhh!(He shushed her) Dad knows what is best for his two angels,so can you please excuse me. I want to sleep,this newspaper is boring.
Ebuka was in a pensive mood sitting on his bed,he
stood up for a while,walked around the room,then sat
on his bed again and slapped himself. He stood up
again,came out from his room and walked briskly to
his mum’s room,he met her reading a law book.
Ebuka: Mum what is all these? (He shouted in a high
Barr.Ebere: Ebuka,my son! Why are you ranting and
Ebuka: Spare me that crap Mum! Don’t ever call me
your son again till you allow me marry Emilia,Dad gave me his consent but the only thing you could think
of was to tarnish it.
Barr.Ebere: It’s not what you think son. If Emilia wasn’t
Ebo’s son,who am i to dissolve the marriage?
Ebuka: So that’s why you want to kill your own
son,that’s why you want to ruin my life? Barr.Ebere: Ruin your what? That Ebo of a person
made me suffer in the university,he loves prying into
my affairs,so….
Ebuka: (Interrupts) And so what? I just want to tell you
my life is incomplete without Emilia.
Barr.Ebere: Why don’t you marry Erica,atleast i
prefer her.
Ebuka: (Looks at her in disgust) You know what,you are just like Erica,she’s your incarnate(He walks out
on her)
Barr.Ebere: Ebuka,so you’re now insulting me and
walking out on me because of that silly-a-s called
How i’m i sure she has not given him love potion? (she shook her head and continued reading).
Good morning to you all


That full week was the worst week Ebuka and Emilia
had encountered since they started dating. Emilia was
gradually getting lean,Ebuka on the otherhand was
not in anyway better. Ebuka just tried to read stories
from Abigail Hanny's diary
good to erase his tension. One day which made it 2weeks since Ebuka and Emilia hadn’t come in
contact since the introduction,Ebuka called Emilia on
phone to come to his house,she however told him that
his mother might send her away if she’s around,Ebuka
futher beckoned on her to come that his mother was
in court handling a case,so she would be busy. Emilia went to Ebuka’s house and there was no doubt she
was happy to see him,Ebuka on the other hand was
as happy as someone who had just won an
election,he quickly ran and Embraced her.They talked
on different issues till Ebuka’s dad came and Ebuka’s
dad was a nice man who was a talk-active. As they were enjoying themselves,Ebuka’s Mum returned
from the court.She entered the living room and was very bitter when
she saw the eye-sore,it was an eyesore in her own
Barr.Ebere: What the hell is this b---h doing here? (Emilia’s impulse ordered her to stand up)
Ebuka: (Angry) Mum watch your tongue! I won’t
watch anyone insult my wife.
Barr.Ebere: Oh i see,the love potion is really working.
Emilia: I’m sorry ma (Emilia apologized,then she ran
out of the house) Mr.Eze: Ebere what is exactly your problem,allow him
marry who he wants,this is no longer the 19th and
20th century for God sake.
Barr.Ebere: Fool! (Ebere just looked at Mr.Eze with
disdain,spat and dashed to her bedroom).
Emilia was very moody when she got home. She just
went to her bed and slept. She woke up the next
morning,she quickly woke up and went to work.
Ebuka was also disappointed at his mother’s
character,he was so angry that some of his instincts were telling him to run away from the house,however
he was able to subdue those evil instincts. Emilia was
just half-minded as she was doing some chores when
she came back from work,as she was watching the
dishes one of them mistakenly fell and broke to
pieces,that was the third glassware she had broken that day,she just simply continued trying to remove
Ebuka’s mother from her mind but the more she
tried,the more she appeared in her mind but another
thought struck her mind that even if Ebuka’s mum
gives her consent, the marriage was not still solved
because her father was also hell-bent in allowing her marry Ebuka. She was so confused,unknown to
her,her parents;Mr and Mrs Ekun had been watching
her as they stood in the kitchen’s door post and the
half-minded Emilia had failed to notice them,that
means she wasn’t okay, Mr. Ekun then called Emilia in
a high tone and the insensitive Emilia regained her consciousness and turned to the direction of her

Mr.Ekun: Talk to me, my daughter what’s the problem?
Emilia: Dad you won’t understand(she immediately bursted into tears).
Mrs. Ekun: Emilia, we’re your parents talk to us nau! (Emilia’s mother said in a low tone).
Mr.Ekun: Yes talk to us(This time,Emmanuella had woken up from her nap).
Emilia: Dad please don’t get angry with me oh.
Mr.Ekun: I won’t get angry.
Emilia: Dad i want to marry Ebuka,he’s my life, i can’t do without him (she added while sobbing,Emmanuella came closer to her,to comfort her).
Mr.Ekun: Hmm! (Instead of adding another word,he hugged Emilia, everyone were just looking at him).
Mrs.Ekun: Honey what do you say to that?
Mr.Ekun: Though, i have thoughts that Ebere would be wicked to Emilia, i can’t watch my daughter die slowly,so i have given my consent but not with the full part of my heart.
Emilia: Oh daddy! Thank you (she was very happy,it was like a huge burden had been lifted from her head).
Emmanuella: Thank you dad!
Mrs.Ekun: Thank you my husband.
Mr.Ekun: You don’t need to thank me,it’s her choice (He just smiled,then the smile developed to a grin,but nevertheless,everyone were happY.



Emilia called Ebuka in the night and told him about the new development,he was happy because one enemy had surrendered,it was left for his mum to do so. So he promised Emilia that he would try to persuade his mum to allow him marry her. The next morning, Ebuka woke up and decided to talk gently to his mother without violence to allow him marry Emilia ,he went to her room and met her ironing her robe.
Ebuka: Mummy,the mummy! Goodmorning! (He said smiling).
Barr.Ebere: Hmm! (surprised at his light-heartedness). Good morning, my son,how was your night?
Ebuka: (still smiling) Ha! It was very cool oh,that’s why i decided to come and check if yours was also cool.
Barr.Ebere: Yes mine was cool.
Ebuka: Okay mummy,erm! erm! (clears his throat) i want to have a discussion with you.
Barr.Ebere: Okay sit, i’m all ears.
Ebuka: You know, our people say the caterpillar cannot start courting with another caterpillar till the mother butterfly blesses it and it turns to a butterfly and starts courting.
Barr.Ebere: Lolz(laughing wildly) Where did you learn that proverb from? I don’t know about it.
Ebuka: From my friends, okay mum but i’m the caterpillar,you’re my mother, i believe i’m a matured caterpillar now,so bless me so that i would turn to a butterfly and marry my wife.
Barr.Ebere: (Raises her eyebrow) And who is your intended bride?
Ebuka: It’s the pretty,elegant,intelligent,resourceful and good-mannered Emilia, i don’t need to tell you nau! You already know.
Barr.Ebere: Ebuka,you know what,i don’t want to go into this matter again,get out from my room,i will never allow you marry that brat.
Ebuka: Mum! Mum! Why are you so obstinate in listening to me,if you continue this way,i have no choice than to commit suicide,life worths nothing to me living without Emilia.
Barr.Ebere: You won’t understand Ebuka (Ebuka left her room very angry).
Ebuka was not himself,he came out from his room with a strong long rope,no one saw him when he left his room and headed downstairs,he went to the big pear tree at the back-yard and started tying the rope to a branch of the tree,he also tied the other part to form a noose,as he put the noose in his neck and was about drawing it, El-malik the gateman, who came with a shovel to weed the back-yard sighted Ebuka attempting to commit suicide and shouted.
El-malik: Oga abeg nau! No kill yourself abeg (He removed the rope from Ebuka’s neck and Ebuka was struggling to drag the rope from El-malik).
Ebuka: What does this life worth Without Emilia,hun! Is it not better to end my life.
El-malik: Oga no,no do am.Madam,Oga! (El-malik shouted at a very high pitch still dragging the rope with Ebuka).
Ebuka: El-malik,leave this rope before i kill you along with me. (The back-yard was vertically linear to Barr.Ebere’s room,so she heard El-malik’s voice and ran downstairs with bare-foot,Mr.Eze was not left out, as he steeple-chased through the staircase like someone running in the olympics,they entered the back-yard and started asking questions).
Mr.Eze: El-malik what is the problem and why are you dragging a rope with Ebuka?
El-Malik: Oga goodmorning,as i dey come clear grass,i see Oga Ebuka dey tie rope por tree and por he neck wan kill himselp,i come dey beg am, dey drag rope with am(Mistaking the ‘f’ for ‘p’).
Barr.Eze: Ebuka why do you want to kill yourself (she started crying) Ebuka why?
Ebuka: You’ve deprived me from the best thing i desire,so why should i stay alife?
Mr.Eze: Ebuka stop this,what’s the problem?
Ebuka: Since mum doesn’t want me to marry Emilia, let me die nau.
Barr.Eze: Okay! (Afraid) You can marry her,please i don’t want to lose you,Ebuka go inside please.
Ebuka: Like seriously,thankyou mum (he threw the rope on the floor and ran to embrace his mother who was still afraid).
Mr.Eze: (Smiling) Hmm! Am i left out in the hug (he came and joined the both of them in the warm embrace,El-malik wasn’t left out as he joined in the big embrace giggling)?
Barr.Eze: El-malik please burn that rope, i don’t want anything to happen to my son,i have just two children and i can’t afford to lose anyone.(They went inside the living room and Ebuka was very happy to be given consent to marry Emilia,he felt like a christian that had made it to heaven,he was screaming in a funny way which made his parents giggle,he changed the channel to MTV base and started dancing,his parents also danced with him,that day was a very happy day for Ebuka,he called Emilia later in the evening and narrated the good news to her,she was very happy but she told him that he wasn’t suppose to attempt suicide,she became emotional when he told her about the suicide part but however her hope of marrying Ebuka killed her worries)


The preparations kept rolling on,though Barr.Ebere didn’t want to consent to the marriage,but she reluctantly agreed to prevent her son from killing himself, Emilia decided to visit Ebuka’s house to see how they were also preparing,her sister Emmanuella had already returned to Malaysia because her 3 months’ holiday were complete. Emilia did not find Ebuka and his mother at home,it was only Ebuka’s father she met at the living room and the man was shaving his beard.
Emilia: Good morning sir.
Mr.Eze: Good morning,our wife,how are you?
Emilia: (Blushing) I’m fine sir! I came to see Ebuka.
Mr.Eze: Huh! Ebuka left with his mum,he’s brother just came back from ESUT,he’s in his final year studying Mechanical Engineering.
Emilia: That’s great.
Mr.Eze: Yeah,have your seat,do you want to wait for the?
Emilia: Yes sir!
Mr.Eze: So how old are you?
Emilia: 25 years old sir.
Mr.Eze: Hmm! You’re the same age with Eric; Ebuka’s brother. Which university did you attend?
Emilia: Obafemi Awolowo University.
Mr.Eze: Okay,You studied what course?
Emilia: Mass communication.
Mr.Eze: Wow! Okay,I’m going out,so you would stay with Eric and he would keep you company.
Emilia: Okay sir! (Mr.Eze just finished shaving,so Emilia helped him to carry the After-shave spray and clipper to the table they normally keep them,Mr.Eze dressed up and left,immediately Mr.Eze left,a tall and slim guy came out from a room opposite the living room,he resembled Ebuka but he had a thick short beard and he was lighter in complexion, making him more handsome,he went closer to examine the pretty damsel sitting on the sofa).
Eric: Hey babe! (He smiled sheepishly) My name is Eric but my friends call me Eric 100%.
Emilia:(Looking at him thoroughly) Hmm. I’m Emilia,your brother’s fiancee.
Eric: Ok….Okay(He stammered resuming his sheepish smile again) Nice to meet you (He stretched his hands and when he discovered ;Emilia just simply waved her hands and did not stretch her hands,he grabbed her hands and continued holding it,like he would never leave it).
Emilia: (She became angry and forced her hands out of his grip) What were you trying to do? I’m your brother’s fiancee for God’s sake.
Eric: Hmm! Sorry,it’s just that i can’t always watch my brother get the best things,imagine you are very beautiful and spotless,you are for my brother alone. Nna men! Brother Ebuka don achieve oh.(Emilia simply laughed). You are laughing,it’s the truth. (He wanted to grab Emilia but as he was about doing it,the door pushed open).
It all happened before a twinkle of an eye, Eric did it in less than a second or should i say in few micro-seconds,he jumped to the other sofa opposite the one Emilia was sitting on and he sat down there as if he was only discussing with Emilia, Emilia was disappointed with Eric’s spoilt behaviour but praised God in her mind because Ebuka and his mother didn’t see when Eric was dragging her. She knew it would have led to the termination of the marriage and all the blame would be shifted to her by Barr.Ebere because she wouldn’t blame her spoilt son.
Emilia: Good afternoon ma.
Barr.Ebere: Hmm! Why did you come? (Talking to her in a low tone).
Emilia: Ma! I came to see Ebuka and since he was not around,i decided to wait for him.
Barr.Ebere: (suddenly becoming angry) Must you always visit Ebuka ? His he your toy or what?
Ebuka: Mummy please stop it,Emilia please don’t be angry (He goes close to her).
Barr.Ebere: Ebuka why are you so unreasonable,i know i’ve consented to the marriage but must she always pry into our family affairs.
Emilia; Please i’m sorry ma (She attempts to go but Ebuka held her back)
Barr.Ebere: Sorry for your self,Ebuka leave that filthy thing let her go. How are you sure she didn’t try to seduce Eric.
Eric: (Eric who had been quiet all this while,then spoke) Mum! No she didn’t, she’s really nice,she even helped Dad.
Barr.Ebere(shouting) Hey! Chimooo! I’ve suffered you want to even take my husband,husband-snatcher.
Emilia: Ma please i’m sorry, i didn’t do anything of such (she broke out of Ebuka’s grip and continued waving her hands in apology to Barr.Ebere,Ebuka ran after her as she eventually dashed out of the house,Eric just watched Ebuka squeezing his face like someone who had seen faeces and bit his nail)


Emilia eyes welled up with tears, as she wanted to go,Ebuka met her and started consoling her,he told her since his mum had agreed with the marriage he would try to make his mum like her. But Emilia however doubted the possibility,shetold Ebuka she needed to rest at home,hugged him and went out of the gate,Ebuka was angry again,he was wondering why his mum could be that wicked towards Emilia . As Emilia was walking down the high street to get a cab,she met Ekaete the househelp,who started asking her questions.
Ekaete: Madam abeg why you dey cry?
Emilia: Oh i’m i crying (trying to hide the tears but the more she tried to do that,the more the tears poured out from her eyes till it led to loud sobs and passers-by started wondering why she was crying ).
Ekaete: I no be small pikin oh,i no say you dey cry,but wetin happen,for my prace (instead of place) person no dey pretend say he no dey cry; when he dey cry. Madam Emi…..Emi chai i don forget your name.
Emilia: Simply call me Emilia. It’s Ebuka’s mum (she bursted into tears again) she does not like me.
Ekaete: I talk am,iyonmi! (Iyonmi means a forbidden thing or a detested stuff in Ibibio language). I no know why that woman dey do rike that,na even because Oga Ebuka wan kill himself. She agree make una mally(Using L instead of R).
Emilia: That’s the fact,that’s exactly what i was telling Ebuka.
Ekaete: Madam wetin fat,i no fat nah,see me i dey repa (Pronouncing the Local word ‘lepa’ as repa).
Emilia: (Ekaete’s comical nature lightened the air for Emilia as she bursted into uncontrollable laughter). Hahaha!!! Ekaete you never cease to amaze me,don’t worry go home,i would take care of myself and subdue it,i love Ebuka.
Ekaete: Chai Madam you say i never see to maize you,maize na corn,wetin bring maize for this matter,sorry ya, no cry God go do am.
Emilia: Hahaha!!! Oh God, i like this Ekaete of a girl. (She laughed and said as she finally waved Ekaete bye,she thought to her self that she would try to do something reasonable in Ekaete’s life,if she had her way.
Emilia went back home concealing her pains,she believed that eventhough she had been assured of marrying Ebuka,there were still doubts that Barr.Ebere would like her. She didn’t want her parents to know of the day’s outcome,so she tried her best to control her emotions;so that her dad won’t resume his old self.
Meanwhile, in Mr.Eze’s house,Ekaete returned from her errand and met her boss (Barrister Ebere) watching T.V.
Ekaete: Madam,good afternoon oh.
Barr.Ebere: Ekaete should i wait till the century is over before you come back?
Ekaete: Madam no vex oh,na because i dey do work since morning,e never tey wey i commot.
Barr.Ebere: Lazy thing,common go and start blending the tomatoes .
Ekaete: Okay madam,but madam no vex oh.
Barr.Ebere: (Looks at her like a hawk bent on devouring a prey) Meaning?
Ekaete: Madam! Why you no rike madam Emilia,she be better person. Why you dey do person pikin rike that nah! Me i rike am oh. She be……… (using L as R)
Barr.Ebere: (Interrupts fiercely) Ekaete how dare you? You brat, get out from my house,i mean pack your load and disperse.
Ekaete :(crying) Madam make i go? Please nah! Abeg.
Barr.Ebere: Get your filthy self out of my house.
Ekaete: Madam please oh,wetin dey do me self? Madam abeg (she starts holding Barr.Ebere’s gown like the woman with the blood issue held Jesus’ garment) Madam please,if you pursue me,i go die. My people dey suffer for village.
Barr.Ebere: Would you talk to me like that again?
Ekaete: Iyonmi,i no go try am again.
Barr.Ebere: Idiot! Go and do your work,fool!
Ekaete: Chai! Madam thank you oh.

Emilia just woke up from sleep,she checked her time it was 7:25 am,which meant she had duty in the broadcasting house that day,she quickly dashed to the bathroom,she knew her parents must had gone to the morning dew prayer which is done every new month and that day’s prayer would be strong and long because it was June 1st,the beginning of another half of the year. As she was dressing up,her phone rang,she picked the call,it was Ebuka.
Ebuka: Hello bae,how was your night?
Emilia: Boo it was fine oh,urs?
Ebuka: It was okay,don’t tell me you just woke up,because from your voice you’re still stretching.
Emilia: Lolz Prophet! I just woke up,you need to open a Vision home for prophecy.
Ebuka: Laughing my A-s Out. I called to inform you that our marriage had been fixed for 2 weeks time,which is the 17th of June.
Emilia: Waoh! Ebuka i’m so happy.
Ebuka: Me too,i’m more than happy,i discussed it with my father since what was delaying us was already completed;my house. I also discussed it with my mum,she nodded her head saying nothing,but she consented that’s the joy in it. What about your parents?
Emilia: They went for morning prayers but when they come i would inform them,i’m on my way to work.
Ebuka: (Teasing her jokingly) Baby girl,look well before you cross the road oh.
Emilia: Lol, i’m not like you,Baby boy.

                                    READ THE FINAL EPISODE HERE

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Emilia was coming out from the exit door in Shop-rite,she was carrying two polythene bags looking for a cab or bike to take her home. Suddenly a Black Toyota Camry Spider stopped abruptly closed to her,she tried to look at the person who was driving the car but the tinted glass didn’t permit her. `Hello’ a fair handsome young man said as he wound down the glass,the man grinned exposing the gap between his lower incisors.
Emilia:Hola!(she looked at the man trying to figure out if they’ve met before). I don’t think we’ve met before mister or have we(She said coldly)?
Man:Nope pretty,we’ve not,please call me Ebuka not mister. I just stopped to find out if you care for a lift,i can’t allow a pretty damsel like you to face the scorching sun looking for a cab.
Emilia:Hmm! I rather stand forever than for a man to give me a lift (Ebuka tried to talk but she shushed him,as Ebuka ignited the engine to go,she thought to herself that it was better to accept his offer and save her strenght)

Because she had been standing for nearly 30 minutes,she decided to accept his offer.
Emilia: Okay! Ebuka stop i’ve accepted your offer.
Emilia:Oh! Stop calling me pretty,i’m Emilia.
Ebuka:Okay! Emilia. So what did you buy in shop-rite?
Emilia: Some articles.
Ebuka: (Inquisitively)Like…
Emilia: (Harshly) It’s none of your business.
Ebuka: Hmm! (He inserted a C.D plate into the C.D drive and it loaded and started playing).
Emilia: (Emilia wished it was not this song,because it was her favourite,she tried to control herself from singing along but couldn’t as she sang along as if she was the one that composed the lyrics of the song,it was `Hello by Adele)Hello…
Ebuka: Wow! What a nice voice.(Emilia ignored him and continued singing).Where do you stay?
Ebuka:Would you get to chief Ayo’s crescent?
Emilia:Yeah! I Stay in the street.
Ebuka:(Joyously) I live in Maritime Avenue which is just about 2km from chief Ayo’s crescent.
Emilia: Whatever(She said still singing).
Ebuka:We’re already at chief Ayo’s crescent ,should i drop you at your house?
Emilia:No! (She said bluntly)Drop me here!
Ebuka: Okay! (He killed the engine) Please give me your cell phone number.
Emilia: Nope thanks for the ride (she said almost running out of the car to the street, meanwhile Ebuka just shook his head in embarassment and drove off).
Emilia:Mum! Dad! I’m back. (Her father Mr.Ebo Ekun,rushed out).
Mr.Ekun:Hey! You’re back,we’ve been waiting for you,what kept you so long?
Emilia:It was traffic Jam and i didn’t see cab on time. What about mummy?
Mr.Ekun:She went out to look for you,after trying your number but to no avail.
Emilia:Maybe it’s network,let me call her(She dialled her mum’s number and talked to her for about 2 minutes) She would soon come,i’ve called her.
Mr.Ekun:Okay,did you see everything you were told to buy?
Emilia:Yes! But the peanut butter had an increase of about #100.
Mr.Ekun:Okay let me go and rest.
(The door is pushed open and Mrs.Esther Ekun enters).
Emilia:Mummy! Welcome! You must have gone through stress.
Mrs.Ekun:Welcome! The kind of stress you put me through hen! (She rushed and embraced her daughter).


“Don’t forget to follow us on
twitter@Wazobiafm,and like our page on facebook.You can also download our mobile app on playstore,have a nice day.”.Emilia said as she finished casting the 3:00 pm news.Her work for the day was over,she went to another room talked briefly with a lady and signed on a big hard-cover note..She took her handbag and left the Broadcasting house.As she was trying to cross the main road to the other wing of the road,a car almost hit her,she yelled at the danfo driver.She was walking like someone who had an amputated leg Because of the wedge and because of the stress she went through due to the previous night’sthinking.She was feeling famished and she stopped to buy a sausage roll.She ate hit hurriedly and bought a sachet water.She was about walking to the bus park to get a bus when a car horned at her,she turned to the direction and found a black camry spider,she quickly recognized the car.She ran towards the car but before she reached, Ebuka came out from the car.
Ebuka ran out of the car with his hands wide like someone who has seen his lost child and wants to embrace her,there was no doubt he too had been thinking about her.He suddenly stopped when he got to where she was,he brought his hands down because he was scared of her reaction,she was embarrassed because she was expecting the hug. However,she hugged him tightly and he was shocked,he cleaned his eyes to check if he was dreaming.
Emilia: You’re not dreaming,it’s real life dear.(she was a bit shy).
Ebuka: (He didn’t know what to do,he just dragged her to the car).What came over you? You were quite cold in your reaction to me yesterday and today it’s a different case.
Emilia: (Laughing out loud)I couldn’t help thinking about you throughout the night.
Ebuka: Hmm! Like seriously,i didn’t sleep well,i was also thinking about you but i tried to lay the thoughts off because it was my first time of seeing you.
Emilia:(smiling) Just drive,take me somewhere we can talk,it’s not right to talk while driving.
Ebuka: Okay oh Madam Road safety,i dey hail oh.
Emilia: Lolz you’re teasing me.(She gave him a soft punch on his arm and he continued driving till they reached a fast food restaurant).
They held hands as they walked into sizzlers fast food,the cool A.C welcomed them. They took their seat and other people were gazing and they looked good together.
Ebuka: What do you care for?
Emilia: (She knew she was hungry and there was no need forming) Jollof rice and Turkey please.
Ebuka: Waiter!
Waiter: Yes oga!
Ebuka: Get us two plates of Jollof rice and Turkey and a bottle of blueberry wine.
Emilia: So where were you coming from when you met me!
Ebuka: I was coming from work.i’ve just been promoted from a contract supervisor to the manager in Alcatel Nigeria limited.
Waiter: Your order sir! (He dropped the tray on the table).
Ebuka: How much is your bill ?
Waiter: #15,000(gives him the breakdown).
Ebuka: Take your money and keep the change.(He gave him #15,500).
Waiter: Thank you very much sir(Beaming with happiness).
Emilia: (After the waiter walked away) Wow! Congratulations.
Ebuka: Thanks dear(They ate and discussed a little before they went back to the car,they exchanged cards containing their Address,Phone number and email before Ebuka dropped her at Chief Ayo’s crescent).
Good night to you all.


Mr.Ekun’s house:
Emilia met her father watching Al-jazeera news,she greeted him and he replied calmly. Emilia went to the kitchen and met her mum cooking,she greeted her mum,hugged her and left for her room. Both Mr. And Mrs. Ekun were surprised at their daughter’s unusual happiness and smiles as she sang around happily. They however thought it was not necessary to ask her while she was so joyful and happy. Emilia on the other hand was falling in love for the first time in her life and she hoped the relationship would be strong to graduate to marriage.
Mr.Eze’s house:
Ebuka’s father; Mr.Ernest Eze was in the living room watching soccer when Ebuka arrived. He was surprised and wondered why his son was about one hour late in returning to the house.
Ebuka: Papa Good evening oh,hmm! Arsenal is flogging Leicester 2:0 just in the first half.
Mr.Eze: Good evening,why are you just coming now,you ought to be here before 4:00 pm and look at the time it’s 5minutes passed 5.
Ebuka: Ha! Papa,the traffic jam around that Egbeda road is three much.
Mr.Eze: Okay! The carpenter called me and told me he’s through with roofing your house,that the tilers have also commenced work.
Ebuka: Hmm! So fast,those guys are serious in their oh,by the way,where is mama?
Mr.Eze: Your mum went to the market,i guess she would soon come back.
30 minutes later:
Ebuka: Mama welcome oh(he rushed to help her carry her loads).
Barrister.EbereEze: Welcome my son!
1 hour later:
Ebuka: Papa! Mama! They promoted me to the post of a manager in my company,i almost forgot.
Barrister.Ebere: Wow! That calls for celebration.
Mr.Eze: Yes oh,congratulations Ebuka.
Ebuka: Thanks papa!
(Ebuka went to his room after spending sometime with his parents,he removed Emilia’s card from his pocket and dialled her number).
Ebuka: Please is this Emilia on the phone.
Mr.Ekun: No young man,I’m her dad.Let me give her the phone.
Ebuka: (Ebuka’s heart skipped a beat but he quickly put himself together).Okay sir!
Emilia: Hello Ebuka
Ebuka: Hey! How’re you doing?
Emilia: I’m okay oh,what about you?
Ebuka: Same here,i just wanted to hear your voice.
Emilia: Lolz,haven’t you heard my voice today?
Ebuka: Okay oh,na you sabi(smiling).Bye!
Emilia: Bye!(The truth was Ebuka was still nervous because he thought her dad was still close to her)

After a long day at work,Ebuka was very tired,he was driving home with little strength and to crown his ordeal was that he was extremely hungry. He shouted furiously at one man who obstructed his road as the man was reversing his pick-up Van,it was not up to 2 minutes,he insulted a danfo driver,proving the adage `A hungry man is an angry lion’. In another 1 hour,he blew his horn over-sonorouslyas he was in front of his father’s house. The gateman;El-malik who was supposedly sleeping,hesitated in opening the gate,Ebuka came out from the car annoyed and started banging the gate with both hands and foot,the drowsy El-malik then peeped from the eye-hole and opened the gate,Ebuka got back inside his car and drove inside the compound wildly,El-malikwent to welcome him but was not spared by a sounding slap that caressed his face,you know those kind of slaps that removes someone’s standing.
El-malik:Aargh!Oga(still on the floor).
Ebuka:Don’t Oga me,drowsy fool(Ebuka added as he climbed the stairs that les to the sitting room,he wasn’t expecting anybody to be at home because his father was supposed to be at the Igbo Men Association,Lagos branch meeting And his mother who was a barrister had a case to handle at court,he looked beneath the footmat where they normally kept the keyif they’re not around,he didn’t see the key there,he wondered if they forgot to drop the key or whether Ekaete their maid ;who went on vacation returned,he wanted to call his parents on phone but he decided to knock,as he knocked,almost immediately someone started opening the door from the living room.
The person on seeing him rushed to hug him,he quickly pushed her off him,extremely angry.
Ebuka: Erica what the f--k are you doing here?
Erica: Ebu love,i missed you and decided to come and visit you,your dad just left for meeting and he let me in.
Ebuka: Shut up,you missed your self,you w---e,a glorified w---e for that matter. Get out before i lose my temper(Barking).
Erica:Nah! Ebuka,i’ve been here for over 2hours,waiting for your arrival.
Ebuka:As if i care,gerrout! Before i do something nasty.
Erica:Ebu you’re not that mean,are you?
Ebuka: Ask google the d--n question and spare me that crap.
Erica: Ebu sweet(She made advances to come close to him,but he resisted her with force and rushed to his bedroom,lockingthe door with his key).
Ebuka: What is all these?(He said falling on his soft Mouka foam,Erica was his ex-fiancee,he loved her dearly and wanted to marry her,but just 3months to the marriage,he caught her red-handedly cheating on him……
He tried to let go of it,but still caught her on another occasion,He hadn’t set his eyes on Erica until now after that incidence,Rumour had it that she traveled to Sierra-leone to stay with her aunt,After Ebuka dashed to his room,Erica waited for about 30minutes before going back because he was still obstinate to come out from his room,in Ebuka’s heart his total love for Erica has eluded and the person who he loves is Emilia.


One week later:
The relationship between Emilia and Ebuka was getting smoother and stronger, Ebuka woke up in the morning and went to wash his clothes using the washing machine, the housegirl Ekaete has just returned and she was cooking, so he had to do it himself. After that, he sat in the couch watching sport highlights, he didn’t bother to go to work because he was the manager, it wasn’t that he was lazy or inefficient but it was because he had a crucial thing to do. He knew Emilia would be at home because she is always off duty on fridays, so he wanted to pay her a surprise visit. He ironed his Senator-suit,which was already starched, he polished his shoe and went to bath. After 8 minutes he came out from the bathroom and dressed like he was doing his traditional marriage, his dad was surprised and hailed him, the elderly man didn’t bother to ask him where he was going because he was sure it was a lady he was going to see.
He didn’t call Emilia to tell her he was coming, her address was already on the card she gave to him and besides he was conversant with chief Ayo’s crescent, so there was no cause for alarm. He quickly went to his neatly washed car, sparkling and dazzling, ignited the engine and started driving, El-malik who had become diligent as from the day of that glorious slap, rushed like Usain Bolt to go and open the gate.

He drove merrily through the road that led to Chief Ayo’s Crescent,he stopped at a confectionery store to purchase plate chin-chin and Coke for Emilia because she loved the combination real good. He futher stopped at a dark-brown gate and parked his car close to the gate because with the description the gate had the No 13 written boldly on it which was what the card denoted. He knocked on the gate and Mr.Ekun who was dressed very simply sitting close to the gate went to open the gate,he looked at the young man who hadn’t met before to know what he was looking for.
Ebuka:Good day Sir,i came to see Emilia,please is she around.
Mr.Ekun:Yes she’s around.
Ebuka:Okay! Shey you’re the securityman,nice to meet you,do you have any idea if her parents are around, so that i would start preparing how to talk to them(He was thinking Mr.Ekun was the gateman).
Mr.Ekun:(Laughing hysterically). Hahaha!,I’m Mr.Ekun,Emilia’s father,do you think i’m the security man?
Ebuka:(Realising his mistake). Ha! Sorry sir! Please i’m very sorry(He prostrates though he’s an Igbo guy).
Mr.Ekun:Stand up my son,don’t bother,just go and meet Emilia, she’s in the livingroom.(He pointed to the livingroom situated in the pretty neatly built bungalow just beside the series of bougainvillea).
He Entered the livingroom and found Emilia sleeping on the long couch beside her Cellphone,he decided to flash her phone so that she would be surprised to see him,he dialled her number and the sound from her Rihanna’s work ringing tone woke her up,he quickly hung up as she jumped and was very surprise to see him. She rushed to hug his already open arms.
Emilia:Jeez! Ebuka how did you get here? You didn’t call that you were coming?
Ebuka:Surprise!Surprise! I wanted to give you a surprise visit(He sat on the long couch and she also sat there).
Emilia:Hmm! Did you see my dad? I was carried away by sleep.
Ebuka:Yep i did,take what i bought for you(He handed over the celophane bag to her).
Emilia:Thanks(She began eating,she also forced him to eat with her eventhough it was just 2 plates of chin-chin and one coke).
Ebuka:(Still chewing).Your dad is a very nice man oh.
(As if Mr.Ekun heard his name,he coincidentally entered the living room).
Mr.Ekun: So you said I’m nice,thanks for the compliment.(Smiling).
Ebuka:Yes sir,you’re very nice.
Emilia:Daddy meet my fiance;Ebuka.
Mr.Ekun:Your fiance and you didn’t tell me. Anyway welcome my son.So has she offered you anything?
Emilia:Sorry dad,i was waiting for him to come first.
Ebuka:Don’t worry sir,I’m okay.
Mr.Ekun:If you say so(He shook hands with Ebuka and sat down on another seat,After sometime, Mrs.Ekun returned and also discussed with them.After Ebuka left,Mr and Mrs Ekun agreed they like Ebuka).


Ebuka drove home swiftly and when he got home,he quickly switched the DSTV to supersports,he didn’t want to miss the Tennis shanghai Open between Andy Murray and Baptisto. As he was enjoying the tennis game,his phone rang.
Emilia:Hey!Haveyou reached the house.
Ebuka:(Jokingly) Are you a prophet or something? I’m just reaching the house oh.
Emilia:Okay oh,so wetin you dey do nau?
Ebuka:I’m just watching Tennis.
Emilia:Boring guy,I hate sports.
Ebuka:Stay there and continue hating it,so what channel do you like?
Emilia:Telemundo and Zeeworld.
Ebuka:(LaughingHysterically) Hahaha! That kind thing self. That means when we get married,we would buy two T.V and two decoder,oh! Because i can’t bear those white-hausa people called Indians.
Emilia:Na you sabi,who dash you wife?
Ebuka:Your parents nau,see me see wahala oh.
Emilia:(Laughing) Funny guy,Okay boo i want to do something?
Ebuka:Something like?
Emilia:I wanna check what i’m cooking.
Ebuka:Hey! What food?
Emilia:The beans is burning oh,Bye talk to you later.
Ebuka:Bye! But send my food oh.(He hung up).
Finally,the long awaited month arrived,it was the Month of May. Ebuka didn’t go to work because it was the worker’s day holiday. So he sat down chatting on facebook with Emilia. She told him that she wants to visit him and he told her he would come and pick her,at first Emilia didn’t agree but after much pestering she agreed that he would cone and pick her. He drove to Emilia’s house,Emilia who was already dressed entered the car and he drove smoothly to his father’s house,El-Malik rushed to open the gate at the blast of the first horn. Ebuka drove inside the compound and parked in the garage. He opened the door and came out of the car,Emilia did same. He led her to the livingroom via the staircase.Therewas nobody at home except Ekaete;the housemaid and El-Malik;the gateman. They went inside and sat,Emilia was given a bottle of coke which she rejected saying “She’ve already taken one before”. They had series of discussions ranging from T.V stations to politics and so on.
As they were having fun together,a bang on the door which wasn’t closed forced the intruder to enter.She marched gallantly like a soldier trailling the footstep of a terrorist. She clapped her hands in awe,the Intruder was no other person than Erica.
Erica:Hey! Chai! I’m i dreaming,what I’m i seeing?
Ebuka: Erica who told you to come to my house,are you mad? For crying out loud,i told you not to step your foot here again.(Emilia was just watching the scene in a confused state).
Erica: So it’s because of this sick-looking orangutan that you sent me out of your house the other day? Tell me Ebuka!(Shoutinglike a madwoman) What does she have that i don’t have?
Ebuka: I would be glad if you leave this house at this very minute.When you were cheating on me,you didn’t know. And don’t ever call my fiancee names,if not i would slap you.
Emilia:(Emilia who had been quiet all this while spoke) What is going on here,please Ebuka who is she?
Erica:I’m Ebuka’s wife oh,Husband-Snatcher(Attempts to beat Emilia but Ebuka intervenes and gives her a slap).Ebuka you slapped me,we shall see.
Emilia:Aunty Erica please i’m sorry.
Erica:Don’t worry,you’ve done nothing to me,it’s this stupid Ebuka that would suffer.
Ebuka:You can do nothing,shameless w---e.(Erica slapped him back and dashed out of the house.)

                                    CONTINUE EPISODE 7

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Friday 23 March 2018



Poor Girl Rich Guy
Episode 1
Written by Olalekan Oduntan
Powered by A1 Productions and A1 Stories

IN A BIG HOUSE ( MR Liam's house )
Michael : Father, am living
Mrs Liam : Michael, Please listen to your father, please don't leave the house
Mr Liam : Leave him, let him leave, that what he want. Leave him honey
Michael : Mom, am leaving.
( he carry his bag and leave the house, his mother follow him )
Mrs Liam : Michael, please, listen to your father
Michael : Am going to have my own to business very soon. His company may be one of the best company in Creach. But I will have mine too
Mrs Liam : You will regret this Michael. Am telling you.
Michael : ( Kissing his mom forehead ) Bye am leaving.
( He walk out without his car )
Mrs Liam : Mic....... Michael

( Mrs Liam enter )
Mr Liam : Has he gone ?
Mrs Liam : Yea, please husband forgive him
Mr Liam : I will make him suffer for some time.
Mrs : Honey

Ella : ( The term leader ) Lucy's team are selling 30% pass us. We are lacking behind.
Aria : Team leader Ella, I think there is someone helping senior Lucy's Team.
Lucas : ( Sighs ) Aria, no one is helping senior Lucy's team, she's only smart
Zoe : Are you saying we are doll. Huh.
Ella : ( In bad mood ) Yah stop this nonsense. Let me have some coffee.
All her team : Yea, Team leader.
( She left )
Zoe : ( Hurting Luca's head ) Stupid boy, are you saying Our Senior is doll. I hate you.
Aria : It not his fault, Foolish boy, am out of here. ( she left )
Zoe : Wait for me let leave together ( He left )
Lucas : What have I said that is bad.

Ella : Sarah give me four coffee
Sarah : Yea.
( Lucy join her at the coffee shop )
Lucy : Hi, Ella, it been a long time. You must be busy nowadays.
Ella : Lucy, I don't have time, I have to work. Lucy : We are winning with 30% Ella, oh you look stressed, you must be working without resting. I work three days in a week, I still look young and beautiful. Still selling 30% more then you.
Sarah : The coffee is ready Ella
Ella : Yea, Thanks ( She carry the coffee ) am leaving Sarah
Sarah : Yea
Lucy : Let see at sixth floor, I have something to discuss
Ella : I will see you when am through.
Lucy : Thanks you.

Michael : ( On phone ) I can't get a cab Evan, please come. You can't. You are at work. Alright have heard you. Is the place far. Oh alright.

Ella : What is it Lucy :
Lucy : It about Daniel ( Ella's ex boyfriend )
Ella : We've broke up
Lucy : I know, I want to ask what his best food and what he like the most
Ella : Are you taking over
Lucy : ( Sighs ) Yea, we've been dating before you two break up
Ella : ( Sighs ) Why not ask him yourself.
Lucy : Are you jealous ? Um
Ella : Jealous of what, You or him. I have better work to do. Am will take my leave first
Lucy : No problem.

Ella : Gather Fifty packs, A woman wanted to buy them at Hungh Area
All team : ( Happily ) Yea, Senior.
Ella : Am going to Chungun to sell four packs
All team : Yea, Senior.

( Ella waiting for cab, she finally see a cab, she wanted to open the door someone hold her hand )
Ella : Young man, I stopped the car
Michael : have been waiting for one hour without getting a car.
Ella : What mine business with that
( Michael push her, she fall. Michael enter the car and drive away )
Ella : ( She stand up immediately ) I should have call the police. I don't even know his name. Foolish boy.

Ella : You return the drinks, why
Lucas : She said she already order for another one from our company.
Ella : ( Sigh. Sad mood ) What happening
Zoe : I saw Senior Lucy's team car
Ella : She again. I have to report her to head department
Aria : no don't tell, she may turn it on us.
Ella : ( Sighs ) Same happened to me today.

EZRA'S HOUSE ( Where Ella lives )
Ezra, Henry, Blake and Ella watching movie
Ezra : Ella, you look doll
Henry : Did anything happened.
Brake : ( Ella junior brother ) Sister, yea, have also notice you
Ella : ( smiling ) Nothing, continue watching the movie
( house bell rings )
Ezra : Henry, go open the door
Henry : Please. I can't miss this interesting Movie.
Ezra : Brake, go open the door
Brake : Sister please open it. Don't let me miss this interesting movie
Ella : Continue enjoying. Am coming.

Ella open the door and see Michael.
Ella : ( She recall ) Michael push her, she fall. Michael enter the car and drive away ) YOU ?
Michael : ( Surprise ) HOW COME ?

To be continue.....

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Monday 19 March 2018

UTME 2018: See What JAMB Is Saying About Release Of Results

UTME 2018: See What JAMB Is Saying About Release Of Results

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Examination Board (JAMB) has reacted to reported release of 2018 UTME results.
Reports had on Tuesday emerged on social media that the UTME 2018 results have been released, with some candidates posting their alleged results online.
However, the board spokesman, Dr Fabian Benjamin, told DAILY POST that candidates should disregard the UTME results making the rounds.
He said the results were fake, advising candidates to wait patiently for the original results to be released.
Recall that the Registrar of the board, Ishaq Oloyede, had given reasons for the delayed result.
Oloyede had said, “We want to monitor everything that happens through our CCT cameras. Last year, we proved a point that there is nothing extraordinary in the immediate release of results but we had to cancel some results when we found out what happened in some centres.
Fabian, therefore, maintained that although the UTME results are ready, they will not be released immediately to enable officials view the CCT cameras to check for exam malpractice.
He said, ”We have not released UTME results yet. The results you find online are fake. They are not real.
”We want to view all CCT cameras in all the centres to see if there are cases of malpractices before releasing the results.
”The reason is this: we don’t want to release and later withhold it. If we release before viewing the CCT cameras, we may have to withhold them again. So, we want to release the results once and for all.”

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Sunday 11 March 2018

Kai Juju Dey Ooo!!! See The Ancient Palace Juju Used By The Oba of Benin To Revoke Curses Yesterday (Photos)

Kai Juju Dey Ooo!!! See The Ancient Palace Juju Used By The Oba of Benin To Revoke Curses Yesterday (Photos)

The Benin Monarch, Oba Ewuare 11, yesterday placed a curse on perpetrators of human trafficking in Edo state as well as native doctors who administer oath of secrecy on victims, asserting that the gods of Benin Kingdom would destroy those involved in the illicit trade.
The traditional Palace Juju ‘Ososomaye’ of Great Benin kingdom was reportedly brought out for the first time yesterday to face the sun in the presence of all Palace chiefs, native doctors and women leaders who witnessed the traditional occasion.
According to multiple online reports by Bini people, the last time the Ososomaye saw the sun was above 400 years ago, and if it sees the sun, it delivers on its assignment against the person and his generation.
They said the last time it was deployed and brought out to see the sun was in the reign of Oba Ewuare 1.
The ‘Ososomaye’ is what all the spiritual heads in Edo kingdom report to.
The monarch revoked the curses placed on victims of human trafficking; while curses were placed on human traffickers, cultists and cult activities and land grabbers in Benin kingdom henceforth.
See more photos below:-

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Thursday 8 March 2018

Nigerian Surgeon Successfully Removes World’s Largest Fibroid Tumor In Lagos.

Nigerian Surgeon Successfully Removes World’s Largest Fibroid Tumor In Lagos.

Nigerian Surgeon Successfully Removes World’s Largest Fibroid Tumor In Lagos.

A Lagos hospital has successfully removed the world’s largest fibroid tumour from a patient.
An independent laboratory has confirmed the tumour weighed 26 kilogram message, double the size removed by Indian doctors around the same time last year.
The medical team at SAFEHANDS HOSPITAL, Old Ojo Road, Lagos, led by the Director of Anaesthesia, Emergency and Family Medicine, Dr INNOCENT OKOAWO. removed the tumour from a 37-year-old Nigerian woman, Abimbola Esther Akinade.
The three-hour long surgery was performed in February 2014, two months before doctors in the south Indian city of Chennai performed a similar surgery to remove a 13.6kg fibroid tumour from a 52-year-old woman simply called Latha.
Until now, the Indian doctors were known to have the record for removing the largest fibroid tumour.
Dr Okoawo told AfricaNewesday, that an independent confirmation of the size of the tumour he successfully removed prompted him to seek to correct the record. Seramoses Diagnostics, also based in Lagos, confirmed the tumour weighed 26kg and was 31cm in diameter.
Additionally, 32 other smaller fibroids were removed.
Speaking to AfricaNewsday in a telephone interview, the patient, Miss Akina death, said: “It was a real miracle.”
She realised he had a fibroid tumour seven years earlier, while she was a trainee nurse. Nothing could be done sooner because of her inability to pay the cost of surgery and her dreading of surgery.
“I was under a lot of pressure,” she said. “My menstrual periods were very irregular, sometimes delayed for 10 days. I suffered from fatigue a lot.”
Miss Akinade ruefully said: “Sometimes people who thought I was pregnant would say ‘I hope you will deliver safely’ and that made me furious.”
“It was not easy,” she said. Even a doctor in the hospital where she was a trainee nurse told her no hospital would be able to carry out a successful surgery.
In an emailed comment, Dr Okoawo noted: “The double icing on the cake is the fact that she received no transfusion and her uterus was not removed even when we removed 32 additional smaller fibroids.”
The patient, Miss Akinade, opted for bloodless surgery on religious grounds, however, increasing reports show that bloodless surgery has led to quicker recovery of patients and as a result has become more popular. Fear of infection and the desire to contain the cost of treatment are other reasons some opt for bloodless surgery.
He told AfricaNewsday in a telephone interview that Miss Akinade is now fully recovered and her current photographs demonstrate the major transformation she has gone through after the surgery.
Miss Akinade said on telephone: “Now I am sound.” She currently lives in Ijoko area of Otta, Ogun State, near Lagos, where she is currently a trader and spends time in the ministry, preaching the good news of the Bible.
Cc Marywealthblog
Fibroids are the most frequently seen tumors of the female reproductive system. Fibroids, also known as uterine myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromas, are firm, compact tumors that are made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that develop in the uterus. It is estimated that between 20 to 50 percent of women of reproductive age have fibroids, although not all are diagnosed. Some estimates state that up to 30 to 77 percent of women will develop fibroids sometime during their childbearing years, although only about one-third of these fibroids are large enough to be detected by a health care provider during a physical examination.
In more than 99 percent of fibroid cases, the tumors are benign (non-cancerous). These tumors are not associated with cancer and do not increase a woman’s risk for uterine cancer. They may range in size, from the size of a pea to the size of a softball or small grapefruit.
What causes fibroid tumors?
While it is not clearly known what causes fibroids, it is believed that each tumor develops from an aberrant muscle cell in the uterus, which multiplies rapidly because of the influence of estrogen.
The exact reasons why some women develop fibroids are unknown. Fibroids tend to run in families, and affected women often have a family history of fibroids. Women of African descent are two to three times more likely to develop fibroids than women of other races.
Fibroids grow in response to stimulation by the hormone estrogen, produced naturally in the body. These growths can show up as early as age 20, but tend to shrink after menopause when the body stops producing large amounts of estrogen.
Fibroids can be tiny and cause no problems, or they also can grow to weigh several pounds. Fibroids generally tend to grow slowly.
The following factors have been associated with the presence of fibroids:
Being overweight , obesity
Never having given birth to a child (called nulliparity)
Onset of the menstrual period prior to age 10
African American heritage (occurring 3-9 times more often than in Caucasian women)
Who is at risk for fibroid tumors?
Women who are approaching menopause are at the greatest risk for fibroids because of their long exposure to high levels of estrogen. Women who are obese and of African-American heritage also seem to be at an increased risk, although the reasons for this are not clearly understood.
Research has also shown that some factors may protect a woman from developing fibroids. Some studies, of small numbers of women, have indicated that women who have had two liveborn children have one-half the risk of developing uterine fibroids compared to women who have had no children. Scientists are not sure whether having children actually protected women from fibroids or whether fibroids were a factor in infertility in women who had no children. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development is conducting further research on this topic and other factors that may affect the diagnosis and treatment of fibroids.
What are the symptoms of fibroids?
Some women who have fibroids have no symptoms, or have only mild symptoms, while other women have more severe, disruptive symptoms. The following are the most common symptoms for uterine fibroids, however, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms of uterine fibroids may include:
Heavy or prolonged menstrual periods
Abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods

Pelvic pain (caused as the tumor presses on pelvic organs)
Frequent urination
Low back pain
Pain during intercourse
A firm mass, often located near the middle of the pelvis, which can be felt by the physician
In some cases, the heavy or prolonged menstrual periods, or the abnormal bleeding between periods, can lead to iron-deficiency anemia, which also requires treatment.
How are fibroids diagnosed?
Fibroids are most often found during a routine pelvic examination. This, along with an abdominal examination, may indicate a firm, irregular pelvic mass to the physician. In addition to a complete medical history and physical and pelvic and/or abdominal examination, diagnostic procedures for uterine fibroids may include:
X-ray. Electromagnetic energy used to produce images of bones and internal organs onto film.
Transvaginal ultrasound (also called ultrasonography). An ultrasound test using a small instrument, called a transducer, that is placed in the vagina.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A non-invasive procedure that produces a two-dimensional view of an internal organ or structure.
Hysterosalpingography. X-ray examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes that uses dye and is often performed to rule out tubal obstruction.
Hysteroscopy. Visual examination of the canal of the cervix and the interior of the uterus using a viewing instrument (hysteroscope) inserted through the vagina.
Endometrial biopsy. A procedure in which a sample of tissue is obtained through a tube which is inserted into the uterus.
Blood test (to check for iron-deficiency anemia if heavy bleeding is caused by the tumor).
Treatment for fibroids
Since most fibroids stop growing or may even shrink as a woman approaches menopause, the health care provider may simply suggest “watchful waiting.” With this approach, the health care provider monitors the woman’s symptoms carefully to ensure that there are no significant changes or developments and that the fibroids are not growing.
In women whose fibroids are large or are causing significant symptoms, treatment may be necessary. Treatment will be determined by your health care provider(s) based on:
Your overall health and medical history
Extent of the disease
Your tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies
Expectations for the course of the disease
Your opinion or preference
Your desire for pregnancy
In general, treatment for fibroids may include:
Hysterectomy. Hysterectomies involve the surgical removal of the entire uterus. Fibroids remain the number one reason for hysterectomies in the United States.
Conservative surgical therapy.
Conservative surgical therapy uses a procedure called a
myomectomy . With this approach, physicians will remove the fibroids, but leave the uterus intact to enable a future pregnancy.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRH agonists). This approach lowers levels of estrogen and triggers a “medical menopause.” Sometimes GnRH agonists are used to shrink the fibroid, making surgical treatment easier.
Anti-hormonal agents. Certain drugs oppose estrogen (such as progestin and Danazol), and appear effective in treating fibroids. Anti-progestins, which block the action of progesterone, are also sometimes used.
Uterine artery embolization. Also called uterine fibroid embolization, uterine artery embolization (UAE) is a newer minimally-invasive (without a large abdominal incision) technique. The arteries supplying blood to the fibroids are identified, then embolized (blocked off). The embolization cuts off the blood supply to the fibroids, thus shrinking them. Health care providers continue to evaluate the long-term implications of this procedure on fertility and regrowth of the fibroid tissue.
Anti-inflammatory painkillers.
This type of drug is often effective for women who experience occasional pelvic pain or discomfort.
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